[RUBY] Google recruit problem


Find the first prime number of 10 consecutive digits of e (base of natural logarithm) with ruby. However, e is up to 200 digits


Copy this into text and read it.

By the way, this is the issue here (https://qiita.com/daddygongon/items/ba94b0f2a73990fc6a07).

The code I wrote this time

For the time being, I will paste the code I wrote this time before the explanation.

def prime?(num)
  warden = 0
  i_max = Integer.sqrt(num)

  [*2..i_max].each do |i|
    warden = i
    break if num % i == 0

  warden == i_max	#When I called rubocop, it became like this.It seems that you can bother to write return

def read_exp
  exp1 = gets.to_s.chomp

def google_recruit
  # e (The bottom of the natural logarithm)Read
  exp1 = read_exp

  first = 2
  last  = exp1.size - 1 - 10
  [*first..last].each do |i|
    #In the value of e,Generate consecutive 10-digit integers
    target = exp1[i..i + 10 - 1].to_i

    #Primality test
    if prime?(target)
      puts target
      break	#Break when you find the first consecutive 10-digit prime number

google_recruit if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__


The explanation is on the link I posted earlier, so I will omit it. (I wrote the code according to the explanation, so I have nothing to say)

By the way, warden == i_max Originally, that part

if warden == i_max
  return true
  return false

Was written. When I ran this on rubocop, I got warden == i_max.


Congratulations. You've made it to level 2. Go to www.Linux.org and enter Bobsyouruncle as the login and the answer to this equation as the password.


This problem is also an issue here (https://qiita.com/daddygongon/items/ba94b0f2a73990fc6a07).

Explanation of similar problems

The problem is to find a number of 10 consecutive digits of e (base of natural logarithm) with a sum of the numbers of each digit being 49. (Here (<https://q.hatena.ne) .jp/1169050304>) Seen.)

So, you can modify the code you wrote earlier. The modified code looks like this.

def sum_is49?(nums)
  sum = 0
  [*0..nums.size - 1].each do |k|
    sum += nums[k]

  sum == 49

def read_exp
  exp1 = gets.to_s.chomp

# e (The bottom of the natural logarithm)Of 10 consecutive digits in the value of,Find the sum of the numbers in each digit is 49
#The reason why the sum wants 49,Found at the following URL
# https://q.hatena.ne.jp/1169050304
def google_recruit2
  # e (The bottom of the natural logarithm)Read
  exp1 = read_exp

  first = 2
  last  = exp1.size - 1 - 10
  [*first..last].each do |i|
    nums = []
    #In the value of e,Generate consecutive 10-digit integer group
    [*i..i + 10 - 1].each do |j|

    #Determine if the sum is 49
    print "#{nums.join}\n" if sum_is49?(nums)

google_recruit2 if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__

The corrected part is roughly like this.

--The number of consecutive 10 digits is made into an array with the numerical value of each digit in each element. --Instead of the function prime?, We created and used a new function sum_is49? That determines whether the sum of each element of the array is 49.

I don't write any more commentary.

By the way, nums.join returns a string that joins each element of the array nums. For details, see Here in the reference manual.


Refactored as pointed out by @scivola. & lt; 2020-12-29 Tue & gt; The code after refactoring looks like this.

# e (The bottom of the natural logarithm)Of 10 consecutive digits in the value of,Find the sum of the numbers in each digit is 49
def google_recruit2
  # e (The bottom of the natural logarithm)Read
  exp1 = gets.to_s.chomp

  #Generate an array of integers for each digit of e
  char_nums	= exp1.chars
  integer_nums	= char_nums.map { |n| n.to_i }

  #Generate consecutive 10-digit integer groups in the value of e.And judge whether the sum is 49,output.
  integer_nums.each_cons(10) do |nums|
    puts nums.join if nums.sum == 49

google_recruit2 if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__

Very beautiful. Good feeling.

Reference material

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