Make let and let's one-line programming

There are times when you want to write in one line using list comprehension, but you want to define variables, right? Yes, I would be happy if I could write it like this.

homu.let(lambda mami: (mami[0], mami[1] if len(mami) > 1 else None))

It is a story to realize it in half.

Reference: Implementing a LINQ-like list processing library in Python --TIM Labs

| It seems that you can do something like an extension method by overloading the operator. You can also make let using the same method!

class let:
	def __init__(self, action):
		self.action = action
	def __ror__(self, source):
		return self.action(source)


homu | let(lambda mami: (mami[0], mami[1] if len(mami) > 1 else None))

I can write! Nice!

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