[JAVA] Do not issue parameters to POST request and URL from Form with Wicket

Hide POST request and URL parameters from Form in Wicket

Version Wicket 7.3

** Background **

By default, when onSubmit () is executed on the form component, the parameter value is displayed in the URL.


trial and error

It seems that PageParametersEncoder is used by default IPageParametersEncoder: Wicket Reference

Create IPageParametersEncoder with no parameters


public class NoParamsPageParametersEncoder extends PageParametersEncoder {
	public NoParamsPageParametersEncoder() {

	public Url encodePageParameters(final PageParameters pageParameters) {
		Url url = new Url();
		//Return URL as is
		return url;

It seems that you can specify this at the time of mounting


mount(new MountedMapper("/NextPage", NextPage.class, new NoParamsPageParametersEncoder()));

And pass it with parameters from the form


StatelessForm<PrevPage> inputForm = new StatelessForm<PrevPage>("inputForm") {

	protected void onSubmit() {
		PageParameters newParams = new PageParameters();
		newParams.set("USER", "user_id");
		newParams.set("PASSWD", "password");
		setResponsePage(new NextPage(newParams));

By the way, it was possible with both Form and StatelessForm.

There are few Wicket related documents ...

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