Timezone specification when converting a string to datetime type in python

datetime and timezone

When making a datetime type from a string and registering it in elasticsearch, It was strange if I didn't specify the timezone. It is the ``` memorandum``that I went to at that time. I would like to know if there is an easier way.

Before python3.7

--String format: YYYY-mm-dd HH: MM: SS + 0900 --Added + 0900 to the end (because it is UTC + 9 hours) --Strptime () format: % Y-% m-% d% H:% M:% S% z --% z corresponds to timezone


from datetime import datetime as dt

time_str = "2020-11-22 18:00:00+0900"
#Datetime type including timezone
time_dt = dt.strptime(time_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')

# UTC+09:00

For python3.7

fromisoformat()Is available. Since the ISO 8601 format contains time zone information in the format `+ HH: MM``` or -HH: MM``` at the end, The argument is a character string similar to that.


time_str = '2020-09-12 12:22:30+09:00'
#Datetime type including timezone
time_dt = dt.fromisoformat(time_str)

# UTC+09:00

Reference site

Set / get / convert / delete timezone with Python, datetime, pytz \ | note.nkmk.me

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