[JAVA] Anonymous class (anonymous class)

What is an anonymous class?

It is used when creating a class that is used only once on the spot.

Normally, you declare a class that implements an interface, create an instance of that class, and call a method, but with an anonymous class, you can declare the interface and use the method at the same time.

If you do not use anonymous classes

This time, I used a self-made interface with a method called output.


public interface IPrint {
	void output();

Create a class that implements the IPrint interface and describe the processing details in the method.


public class PrintImpl implements IPrint{

	public void output() {

Call it in the execution class.


public class Main {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		IPrint ip = new PrintImpl();
		ip.output();//On the console"aaa"Is output

When using anonymous class

You can use IPrint methods in the execution class without creating a class that implements the interface.


public class Main {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		IPrint ip = new IPrint() {
			public void output() {

In addition, you can reduce the number of lines with a lambda expression.


public class Main {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		IPrint ip = () -> System.out.println("xxxx");
		ip.output(); // "xxxx"Is output

If you add a new method that is not in the interface, it will not be received as an interface type variable when the instance is created.


public class Main3 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new IPrint() {
			public void output() {
			public void output2() {

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