Image format in Python

Create an image format program using Pillow in Python3.3 Get to get width and height automatically

# ==================================================
#Image format
# -Specify the file name with the first argument
# -Specify the conversion format with the second argument
# ==================================================

# encoding: UTF-8

from PIL import Image   #Image conversion module
import os, re, sys      #File Path,Regular expression module,Because it uses command line arguments

# Main
def main():
    #Argument check
    if len(sys.argv) > 4:
        fileName = sys.argv[1]
        format   = sys.argv[2]

        #File open
        img =, "r")
        width, height = img.size

        #Get before the file name extension,Change to file name after formatting
        fileName ="(?<!\.)\w+", fileName).group(0) + "." + format

        #File existence check
        flag = os.path.exists(fileName)
        if flag == True:
            print("The file already exists.")

        #Create and paste a canvas to paste the image on
        canvas ="RGB", (width, height), (255, 255, 255))
        canvas.paste(img, (0, 0))

        #Save image, returnFormat(format), quality=100, optimize=True)

        print("There are too few arguments.\n Specify the file name and the format of the file to be converted.\
            \n * Specify the format in lowercase.\
            \n examples) python fileName.jpg bmp 100 100")

# returnFormat()
#Returns the passed format in uppercase
def returnFormat(format):
    if format == "bmp":
        return "BMP"
    elif format == "jpg":
        return "JPEG"
    elif format == "png":
        return "PNG"
    elif format == "gif":
        return "GIF"
        print(format + "Does not support.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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