From MuJoCo license acquisition, renewal to execution

MuJoCo MuJoCo is a physics engine aimed at promoting research and development in the field of robotics. Fun demo A license is required to use MuJoCo. In this article, we will introduce you from license acquisition to simple code execution. スクリーンショット 2020-09-27 17.07.43.png

MuJoCo Personal License: Register for 1 year

Access MuJoCo and register the user information. The fee structure is as follows, and students can use it for free! The license is for one year, but you can use it again if you reapply, so you can use it as much as you want among students! スクリーンショット 2020-09-27 16.49.19.png

  1. Enter user information Enter information such as your name and period of affiliation. スクリーンショット 2020-09-27 16.50.32.png If you press the Request license button and "Success" is displayed, it is successful. You will receive an email from MuJoCo within 3 days. When you receive the email, the next step is.

  2. Register Account number and Computer id スクリーンショット 2020-09-27 17.05.52.png The email should include your Account number. The Computer id is obtained using the get id file that is downloaded by clicking the blue letters in the image above. Example)

$ chmod +x getid_linux $ ./getid_linux ``` You can get the Computer id by executing the getid file, so copy and paste it and click Register computer. Then you will receive an email again. An activation key will be attached to this email, so put it in .mujoco. The procedure for updating is exactly the same.

Let's move MuJoCo!


     1	import gym
     2	import mujoco_py
     4	env = gym.make('Humanoid-v2')
     5	env.reset()
     6	for _ in range(1000):
     7	    env.render()
     8	    env.step(env.action_space.sample())

When executed, the following screen will appear. humanoid-demo.gif

Now you can see if you can use mujoco!

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