Swap 1 and 2 without using an if statement

There was a situation where I wanted to receive a variable containing either 1 or 2 and return 2 for 1 and 1 for 2.

I learned a convenient way to write 1 and 2 that can be used in such a case, so make a note.


As pointed out in the comments, there was a simpler way to write it.

Swap 1 and 2

n = 1
print(3-n) # 2
m = 2
print(3-m) # 1 

Swap 0 and 1

n = 0
print(1-n) # 1
m = 1
print(1-m) # 0 


When $ x $ is either $ n $ or $ n-1 $

f(x) &=& 2n-1-x\\&=&\left\{
n & (x = n-1) \\
n-1 & (x =n)

Obvious without proof.

So, ** The story so far is enough, so you don't have to read the rest. ** **

The one you don't have to read (original article)

I will leave the original article for the time being.

How to write by swapping 1 and 2

n = 1
print(n%2+1) # 2
m = 2
print(m%2+1) # 1 

only this.

Think about other numbers

This alone is not an article, so let's think about other numbers as a brain teaser.

Swap 0 and 1

Consider swapping 0s and 1s. There is no such thing as handling with bool.

n = 1
print((n+1)%2) # 0
m = 0
print((m+1)%2) # 1

did it.

Swap 2 and 3

In the same way, replace 2 with 3 and 3 with 2.

n = 2
print((n+1)%2+2) # 3
m = 3
print((m+1)%2+2) # 2

Swap 3 and 4

Try replacing 3 with 4 and 4 with 3.

n = 3
print(n%2+3) # 4
m = 4
print(m%2+3) # 3 

Let's generalize

The calculation formula changes depending on whether $ 2n $ and $ 2n-1 $ are exchanged or $ 2n $ and $ 2n + 1 $ are exchanged.

When swapping $ 2n $ and $ 2n-1 $

f(x) &=&x \bmod 2 +2n-1 \\&=& \left\{
2n & (x = 2n-1) \\
2n-1 & (x =2n)

When swapping $ 2n $ and $ 2n + 1 $

f(x) &=&(x+1) \bmod 2 +2n \\&=& \left\{
2n & (x = 2n+1) \\
2n+1 & (x =2n)

~~ I'm thinking while writing appropriately, so there may be a more efficient way of writing. There was ~~ (top of the article).


If in doubt, use an if statement.

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