The story that FastAPI may take supremacy

Hello, good evening, good morning. This is Shimabukuro from K.S. Rogers.

I wrote an article like Previously the next hegemony of Python's web framework is this, but since then I've been an engineer away from Python for a while. By the way, a framework called FastAPI has appeared!

To be honest, I'm late because I don't know what number to brew, but let me introduce it.

Features of FastAPI

According to the Official Top Page,

  1. High speed-as fast as NodeJS and Go
  2. Fast code writing-double and triple!
  3. Reduced bugs-reduced by about 40%!
  4. Intuitive-easy to debug
  5. Easy-Easy to use. Easy to read the document!
  6. Short-less duplication. Multiple functions can be called by parameter declaration
  7. Robust-It's really easy because it's automatically generated
  8. Standard-Compatible with OpenAPI standard (compatible with Swagger)

It says, but it's compatible because it's the ʻOpenAPI standard at the bottom (compatible with Swagger)` This is too great. FastAPI, in fact, can automatically generate Swagger (document)!

Document automatic generation

After installing fastapi and ʻuvicorn` with pip, try touching them immediately. By the way, standard pip does not have environment isolation, so it is recommended to use pipenv.

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def root():
    return {"message": "Hello World"}

After creating the above with, start it with ʻuvicorn main: app --reload. If you check` ...

Fast API - Swagger UI 2020-02-05 00-29-56.jpg

Yes! Nice! !! If you try setting path parameter ...

Path parameters

async def root():
    return {"message": "Hello " + name}
Fast API - Swagger UI 2020-02-05 13-09-21.jpg

It will be reflected automatically. Documents are created automatically, which is the strongest. This is a function that is too convenient for us, who place particular importance on documents.

Query Parameters

async def read_item(name: str = ""):
    return {"message": "Hello " + name}
Fast API - Swagger UI 2020-02-05 23-04-27.jpg

Requests Use Model.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Item(BaseModel):
    name: str
    description: str = None

app = FastAPI()"/items/")
async def create_item(item: Item):
    return item
Fast API - Swagger UI 2020-02-05 23-12-03.jpg

Furthermore, validation can be specified for the property in the Model class, so the handling is very good. This is a similar structure to the Django Model.

class Item(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(None, min_length=2, max_length=5)
    description: str = Field(None, max_length=100)

CRUD (Crate, Read, Update, Delete) Let's roughly write the basic CRUD. Since it is a partial excerpt, please refer to the writing link for details.

DB Connection & Migration Use databases and sqlalchemy to connect to and migrate to the DB. This time, we will use SQLite, which is easy to handle, for the DB.

Write around the connection quickly,

import databases
import sqlalchemy

DATABASE_URL = "sqlite:///./db.sqlite3"

database = databases.Database(DATABASE_URL)
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(DATABASE_URL, echo=False)
metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData()

Schemas Describe the table definition and execute the same file.

import sqlalchemy
from db import metadata, engine

items = sqlalchemy.Table(
    sqlalchemy.Column("id", sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True),
    sqlalchemy.Column("name", sqlalchemy.String),
    sqlalchemy.Column("description", sqlalchemy.String),


Main also repaired

from fastapi import FastAPI
from db import database
from starlette.requests import Request
from routers import items

app = FastAPI()

async def startup():
    #DB connection started
    await database.connect()

async def shutdown():
    #DB connection disconnection
    await database.disconnect()

#Register routers

#Embed a DB connection with middleware (so that it can be obtained with a router)
async def db_session_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
    request.state.connection = database
    response = await call_next(request)
    return response

Routers router is also divided into files so that it can be described for each endpoint.

from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException
from typing import List
from databases import Database
from starlette.status import HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT

from utils import get_db_connection
from schemas import items
from models.item import ItemModel

router = APIRouter()

@router.get("/items", tags=["items"], response_model=List[ItemModel])
async def list_item(database: Database = Depends(get_db_connection)):
    query =
    return await database.fetch_all(query)"/items", tags=["items"], response_model=ItemModel)
async def create_item(data: ItemModel, database: Database = Depends(get_db_connection)):
    query = items.insert()
    await database.execute(query, data.dict())
    return {**data.dict()}

@router.patch("/items/{item_id}", tags=["items"], response_model=ItemModel)
async def update_item(item_id: int, data: ItemModel, database: Database = Depends(get_db_connection)):
    query = items.update().where(
    ret = await database.execute(query, data.dict())
    if not ret:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Not Found")
    return {**data.dict()}

@router.delete("/items/{item_id}", tags=["items"], status_code=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
async def delete_item(item_id: int, database: Database = Depends(get_db_connection)):
    query = items.delete().where(
    ret = await database.execute(query)
    if not ret:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Not Found")


How is it? Isn't document auto-generation a pretty attractive feature? I think Responder is also a pretty good framework, but FastAPI feels less quirky and easier to write.


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