Try to put data in MongoDB

things to do

Keep throwing the string "hogehoge" into the locally created MongoDB


Please install and launch MongoDB locally. "Thin book of MongoDB" will be helpful.

Also, please put pymongo. It is a guy to touch MongoDB with python.


Put "hogehoge" in the prepared MongoDB.

First, prepare a client to local MongoDB with getDBCollection and select a collection. All you have to do is write with Collection.insert (formatToInsert ("hogehoge")).

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pymongo import MongoClient

#Get the DB write destination
def getDBCollection():
    #Write to MongoDB on Localhost
    client = MongoClient()
    #I use a DB called LogsDB
    db = client.LogsDB
    #I use a collection called LogsCollection
    Collection = db.LogsCollection
    return Collection

#Transform data for writing
def formatToInsert(Contents):
    #DB"Key name"     : "data"   
    return {"Contents"  : Contents}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Collection = getDBCollection()
    #Write records to the collection
    while true:

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