[JAVA] Let's improve our business! Table of contents


It's been a month since 2020. I will leave the site where I was a little for a year and head to a new site from 2020. Therefore, this January, I saw and heard various tasks to get used to the new site.

** What is this tedious task !? **

There were many jobs that felt that way. The previous site was active in improving work efficiency, and the motivation of the people working there was also great, so I may have compared them by all means ...

** But ... is this an opportunity? ** ** Since I was at the previous site, I had the opportunity to develop ShellScript on my own, and because I was developing APIs, my knowledge of communication increased. Above all, being surrounded by such people gave me a positive awareness of improving work efficiency. I don't have much experience yet, but I think this is an opportunity to contribute or appeal.

So, I would like to write down the useless work improvement plan that I felt at the current site and the Script that I actually managed to manage. This article will mainly serve as a table of contents for writing improvement plans! I will link to this as soon as I create each article.

table of contents

-** It is troublesome to register similar contents in all 3 media! ** ** -** Upload a csv file to output a list of enums in Excel format! ?? ** ** -** It is troublesome to specify and execute the sql file one by one at the time of release! ** **

It is troublesome to register similar contents in all three media!

The three media mentioned here are the following task management tools. -** BackLog (for communication with customers) ** -** Trello (task management within the team) ** -** Kintone (project management within the company) **

It is necessary to register similar contents in these. You can copy it, but it's a hassle because you register for each case! I want to do something! That's why I'm thinking of hitting each API and letting Script do it. However, I'm planning to write it in PowerShell because it's Windows, because I'm assuming that people in the team will use it easily.

Upload a csv file to output a list of enums in Excel format! ??

I will introduce only the movement first. Currently, in the field, batch processing is operated every ~~ weekly, and business data is output in Excel format. ~~ (Added on 2020/2/6) ** → It's daily, and the output was csv ... I mean, I'm just moving files ... What's that ...? ** **

The output target is as follows. --Various tables -** Enumerated code list ** The table is still an enum ...? Anyway, it's okay if you need to output.


Eh, do you prepare a csv file to output the enumerated code list in Excel format? ?? ?? In the first place, enumeration type does not change in business, right? ** Why are you outputting Excel files weekly? ?? ?? ** ** ** Is it okay to upload the csv file or Excel file? ?? ?? ** **

Well, it is difficult for a newcomer like me to stop what is working now, so I want to eliminate the trouble of modifying csv one by one ... So, I wonder if I can write a Script that salvages the class file from the jar file and generates a csv file. Can you do that at first ...? I thought, but it seems to be unexpected!

It is troublesome to specify and execute the sql file one by one at the time of release!

If the master or table itself changes, of course, you need to apply DDL or DML to each environment. On the Linux screen, specify the name of the uploaded sql file and repeat the execution. It's not that much trouble, but it's kind of annoying. In that case, I thought I would use Script to execute all the sql files stored in the specified directory. However, I feel that it is necessary to think carefully before the release work. We plan to proceed with this while listening to the wishes of the team leader.

Important things to remember

This time I often felt that it was inefficient, so I am trying to improve work efficiency, but the most important thing is the intention of the teams I work with. ** ** The team leader has asked me to tell me if there are any improvements, but it is inefficient for young people with little experience, so I do not feel good if I can proceed with it. Probably. I'm trying to improve some things because I'm wondering what to do, but ignoring the intentions of the members will lead to the collapse of the team. I would like to act with the aim of improving work efficiency while maintaining harmony within the team.

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