・ ↓ Click here for "Year" validation implementation ↓ [Android] How to implement validation that repels invalid "years"? ??
*Check if it is a valid date
*Invalidate dates such as 13th and 32nd
* @param inputBirthDateString
* @return
public static Boolean dateValidation(String inputDateString){
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");
//Point 1
Date parsedDate = null;
try {
//Point 2
parsedDate = dateFormat.parse(inputDateString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
//Point 3
return dateFormat.format(parsedDate).equals(inputDateString);
Lenient: Generous, benevolent, compassionate, (...) generous, tolerant, sweet → setLenient (false) eliminates generosity = means doing a strict check.
The default is true, and with this setting, non-existent dates are automatically moved up or down. (Example: January 32 → February 1)
Convert String type to Data type using SimpleDateFormat. If the date is normal, the parse is successful. Returns false if the date is invalid.
There seems to be no problem with the processing up to point 2, but there is one problem as it is. That's because SimpleDateFormat processes with a prefix match. → Example: If you create an instance of SimpleDateFormat in the date format of "yyyy / MM / dd", you can format the value "2017/12 / 1A" and it will be treated as "December 1, 2017".
→ So, at the end, "character string to be validated" and "character string after conversion with SimpleDateFormat" are compared, for example, if 2017/12 / 1A is input, false is returned.