Hit Yahoo Answers when you have trouble with blog material

A script that uses the Yahoo API to hit new entries in Yahoo Answers. As usual, the Unicode escape problem is solved with an external file.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import json,urllib2
import sys, codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout)

url = "http://chiebukuro.yahooapis.jp/Chiebukuro/V1/getNewQuestionList?"
appid = "&appid=YoueID"
output = "&condition=open&output=json"
req_seq = url + appid + output

r = requests.get(req_seq)
res = r.json()

lists = json.dumps(res, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

f = open("chie.txt", "aw")
for x in lists:

f = open("chie.txt", "rb")
data = f.read()
print data.decode("unicode-escape")

If there is no chie.txt, it will be created, and if there is, it will be overwritten, so I want to eliminate the troublesomeness unless I delete the created chie.txt at the second and subsequent executions.

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