[Firestore] Extract the collection with where condition in Ruby and delete the record


When using the Firestore API in Ruby, I summarized what to do if you want to delete only the specified collection that meets the where condition.

Assumptions, etc.

Implementation sample


def delete_sample
  #Get firestore object
  firestore = Google::Cloud::Firestore.new
  #For storing the doc array to be deleted
  doc_array = []
  #Get collection
  col_ref = firestore.col 'sample_collection'
  #Collection criteria
  query = col_ref.where 'category', '==', 'test'
  query.get do |r|
    #Store the target doc in an array
    doc_array.push r.ref
  #Consider that you can only delete up to 500
  document_index = 0
  batch_index = 0
  #Delete in batch
  while document_index < doc_array.size
    firestore.batch do |b|
      #Suspended at 501st index
      break if batch_index == 500

      b.delete doc_array[document_index]
      document_index += 1
      batch_index += 1
    batch_index = 0

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