DeepL Translator and display in real time. (Right window)
From the above, we have created a program that deepL translates YouTube Live chat and displays it in real time.
#Load the module.
import requests #HTTP communication library
import tkinter # Tcl/Tk Python interface
import time
#Load the function.
from tkinter import messagebox #Create message box
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from translator import deepl_translate #DeepL Translator
# ======================================================================================================================
#Set the API URL.
YOUTUBE_API_VIDEO_URL = '' #YouTube video
YOUTUBE_API_CHAT_URL = '' #YouTube chat
#Set the chat loading interval.(Note that if you make it too short, an error will occur.)
UPDATE_TIME = 5000 #millisecond
# ======================================================================================================================
#Performs processing when the button is clicked.
def click_button():
#Get information from the GUI.
youtube_live_url = edit_box1.get() #YouTube Live URL
youtube_api_key = edit_box2.get() #YouTube API key
deepl_api_key = edit_box3.get() #DeepL API key
target_lang = variable.get() #Translated language
#Get the video ID from the YouTube Live URL.
video_id = youtube_live_url.replace('', '')
#Acquires the video data of the specified video ID.
video_data = requests.get(
YOUTUBE_API_VIDEO_URL, params={'key': youtube_api_key, 'id': video_id, 'part': 'liveStreamingDetails'}
#If it is not YouTube Live, the process will be interrupted.
if len(video_data['items']) == 0:
messagebox.showerror('URL Error', 'Not Live')
return #Suspend processing.
elif 'liveStreamingDetails' not in video_data['items'][0].keys():
messagebox.showerror('URL Error', 'Not Live')
return #Suspend processing.
elif 'activeLiveChatId' not in video_data['items'][0]['liveStreamingDetails'].keys():
messagebox.showerror('URL Error', 'No Chat')
return #Suspend processing.
#Get a chat ID.
chat_id = video_data['items'][0]['liveStreamingDetails']['activeLiveChatId']
#Add a message to the text box.
add_message(chat_id, None, youtube_api_key, deepl_api_key, target_lang) #Set the initial value of the page token to None.
#Add a message to the text box.
def add_message(chat_id, page_token, youtube_api_key, deepl_api_key, target_lang):
#Cases are classified according to the presence or absence of pageToken. Avoid getting past chats.
if type(page_token) == str:
#Get the chat data of the specified chat ID.
chat_data = requests.get(
params={'key': youtube_api_key, 'liveChatId': chat_id, 'part': 'id,snippet,authorDetails',
'pageToken': page_token}
#Record the time immediately after using the YouTube API.
start_time = time.time()
messages = []
user_names = []
for chat_item in chat_data['items']: #Repeat as many times as there are chat items.
#Create a message list.
#Create a user name list.
#Translate with DeepL.
trans_messages = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
[delayed(deepl_translate)(message, target_lang, deepl_api_key) for message in messages]
for index, trans_message in enumerate(trans_messages): #Repeat for the number of messages.
#Get the user name.
user_name = user_names[index]
#Set the message to be displayed in the text box.
display_message = '[' + user_name + '] ' + trans_message # [username]+ Translated message
#Add a message to the text box.
txt_box.insert(tkinter.END, display_message)
txt_box.insert(tkinter.END, '\n')
txt_box.insert(tkinter.END, '\n')
#Bring the scrollbar to the bottom.
#Update the window display.
else: #When pageToken is None
#Get the chat data of the specified chat ID.
chat_data = requests.get(
params={'key': youtube_api_key, 'liveChatId': chat_id, 'part': 'id,snippet,authorDetails'}
#Record the time immediately after using the YouTube API.
start_time = time.time()
#Update the page token.
page_token = chat_data['nextPageToken']
#Record the time just before using the YouTube API.
end_time = time.time()
#Calculate the time you are not using the YouTube API.
elapsed_time_s = end_time - start_time #Seconds
elapsed_time_ms = round(elapsed_time_s * 1000) #millisecond
#Set the waiting time.
wait_time = max({0, UPDATE_TIME - elapsed_time_ms})
#Wait for the specified time.
root.after(wait_time, add_message, chat_id, page_token, youtube_api_key, deepl_api_key, target_lang)
# ======================================================================================================================
#Create a window.
root = tkinter.Tk()
root.title('YouTube Live Chat DeepL Translator')
root.resizable(False, False)
#Create a frame.
frame = tkinter.Frame(root)
frame.pack(), y=70)
#Create a text box.
txt_box = tkinter.Text(frame, font=('Arial', 10), width=82, height=29)
y_scroll = tkinter.Scrollbar(frame, orient=tkinter.VERTICAL, command=txt_box.yview) #Vertical scroll bar
y_scroll.pack(side=tkinter.RIGHT, fill='y') #Vertical scroll bar
txt_box['yscrollcommand'] = y_scroll.set #Vertical scroll bar
#Create a button.
button = tkinter.Button(root, text='Start', font=('Arial', 15), command=click_button)
button.pack(), y=20)
#Create a label.
label1 = tkinter.Label(root, text='YouTube Live URL', font=('Arial', 12))
label1.pack(), y=5)
#Create a label.
label2 = tkinter.Label(root, text='YouTube API Key', font=('Arial', 10))
label2.pack(), y=590)
#Create a label.
label3 = tkinter.Label(root, text='DeepL API Key', font=('Arial', 10))
label3.pack(), y=590)
#Create a label.
label4 = tkinter.Label(root, text='Target Language', font=('Arial', 10))
label4.pack(), y=590)
#Create an edit box to enter the YouTube Live URL.
edit_box1 = tkinter.Entry(root, font=('Arial', 12), width=50)
edit_box1.pack(), y=30)
#Create an edit box to enter the YouTube API key.
edit_box2 = tkinter.Entry(root, font=('Arial', 10), width=30, show='*')
edit_box2.pack(), y=610)
#Create an edit box to enter the DeepL API key.
edit_box3 = tkinter.Entry(root, font=('Arial', 10), width=30, show='*')
edit_box3.pack(), y=610)
#Create a pull-down menu to select the translation language.
option_list = [
'German', # DE
'English', # EN
'French', # FR
'Italian', # IT
'Japanese', # JA
'Spanish', # ES
'Dutch', # NL
'Polish', # PL
'Portuguese', # PT
'Russian', # RU
'Chinese' # ZH
variable = tkinter.StringVar(root)
variable.set(option_list[4]) # JA
pull_down_menu = tkinter.OptionMenu(root, variable, *option_list)
pull_down_menu.config(width=10, font=('Arial', 10))
pull_down_menu.pack(), y=610)
#Draw a window.
#Load the module.
import requests #HTTP communication library
# ======================================================================================================================
#Set the URL of DeepL API.
# ======================================================================================================================
#Translate with DeepL.
def deepl_translate(src_text, target_lang, deepl_api_key):
#Set the translation language code.
if target_lang == 'German':
target_lang_code = 'DE'
elif target_lang == 'English':
target_lang_code = 'EN'
elif target_lang == 'French':
target_lang_code = 'FR'
elif target_lang == 'Italian':
target_lang_code = 'IT'
elif target_lang == 'Japanese':
target_lang_code = 'JA'
elif target_lang == 'Spanish':
target_lang_code = 'ES'
elif target_lang == 'Dutch':
target_lang_code = 'NL'
elif target_lang == 'Polish':
target_lang_code = 'PL'
elif target_lang == 'Portuguese':
target_lang_code = 'PT'
elif target_lang == 'Russian':
target_lang_code = 'RU'
elif target_lang == 'Chinese':
target_lang_code = 'ZH'
target_lang_code = None
deepl_trans_result =
DEEPL_API_URL, data={"auth_key": deepl_api_key, "text": src_text, "target_lang": target_lang_code}
trans_text = deepl_trans_result["translations"][0]["text"]
return trans_text
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