[SWIFT] UITextField event type

Since it is often used to deactivate buttons, we will introduce the event types of UITextFiled.

Did End On Exit The method is called after it is closed by pressing the Return key or the line feed key. Editing Changed The method is called every time the text field characters change. Editing Did Begin The method is called when you tap the text field. Editing Did End The method is called when the keyboard is stowed. Primary Action Triggered I'm not sure about this, so I'll update it as soon as I know it. Touch Cancel I'm not sure about this either, so I'll update it as soon as I understand it. Touch Down The method is called the moment you touch the text field. Touch Down Repeat The method is called when you double-tap the text field. Touch Drag Enter The method is called when you press the text field, drag it and return to the text field. Touch Drag Exit The method is called when you press the text field, drag it and move it outward. Touch Drag Inside It is called when you press the text field and drag it as it is. Touch Drag Outside The method is called when you press the text field with Touch Drag Exit, drag it and move it outward. Touch Up Inside After pressing the text field, the method is called when you speak your finger nearby. Touch Up Outside After pressing the text field, the method is called when you release your finger far away. Value Changed Called the moment you change the value of the text field.

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