Understanding Concatenate


If you read Keras's F. Chollet book, there is a part that explains Concatenate Layer. It is represented in the picture below, but it was a refreshing idea of what kind of calculation was performed in this.


By the way, since Concatenate Layer plays an important role in U-NET, Resnet, etc., it is not good to leave it without understanding Concatenate Layer any more, so use a simple tensor and use Concatenate Layer. I decided to check the behavior.

image.png Figure U-Net Architecture image.png Figure ResNet block


In Excel, I used the Concatenate function at the time of string concatenation, so I had an image of ** joining multiple arrays without any operation **, but [Teratail](https: /) /teratail.com/questions/163385) has an easy-to-understand diagram, so I will introduce it here.

Here, there are two matrices, blue and green. These matrices are two-dimensional (2D) tensors, and the Shapes of these matrices are (3,3). axis refers to the dimension of the tensor. [Understanding Tensor (2): Shape]![Image.png](https://qiita-image-store.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/0/208980/9c722160-613a- 1df8-6773-ad133d433db8.png)

axis also refers to the dimensional axis of the tensor. (It may be good to think of the vector when expressing the moment in physics.)

In the case of a two-dimensional tensor, axis = 0 means the vertical direction and axis = 1 means the horizontal direction.

However, when axis = -1, it means the last axis. Consider a slice of a Python list.

Then, at the time of Concatenate Layer, it is possible to specify the connection direction.

** (1) When axis = 0, join vertically. ** **

** (2) If axis = 1, join horizontally. (However, in the case of 2D, axis = -1 has the same meaning) **


Program code


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

#Preparing for 2D Tensor
x1 = np.array([[1,3,3],

x2 = np.array([[3,2,3],


Concatenate Layer

Vertical connection

#Concantenate Layer
# axis = 0,Vertical coupling
y1 = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=0)([x1,x2])

Vertical join result

y1= tf.Tensor(
[[1 3 3]
 [5 2 1]
 [0 9 5]
 [3 2 3]
 [8 7 4]
 [0 1 1]], shape=(6, 3), dtype=int32)

Horizontal connection

# axis = 1 (or axis = -1)Horizontal coupling
y2 = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=-1)([x1,x2])

Horizontal connection result

y2= tf.Tensor(
[[1 3 3 3 2 3]
 [5 2 1 8 7 4]
 [0 9 5 0 1 1]], shape=(3, 6), dtype=int32)


I finally understood the operation of Concatenate Layer. (I feel.) However, Concatenate's spelling is hard to come by. (Tears)

Reference material

  1. I don't understand the meaning of axis = -1 (Python / Keras)
  2. tf.keras.layers.Concatenate
  3. Tips for realizing the network structure envisioned with keras ~ Lambda edition ~

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