Measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) include urban blockade, self-restraint of behavior and sales, RT-PCR inspection and cluster measures, contact tracking app, infected person behavior monitoring app, etc. It is being tackled in various countries. Until now, Japan has focused on PCR testing, tracking by cluster countermeasures teams, and self-restraint in actions and sales by declaring an emergency, but as of May 6, 2020, in China, Italy, Iran, the United States, etc. It has not led to the explosive spread of infection seen. However, continuing to refrain from behavior and business as it is has harmful effects on various aspects such as economy, education, and culture, and we are at the stage of searching for an exit strategy. Vaccines are being actively developed, but considering the confirmation of safety and efficacy and the establishment of a production system, it is expected that a period of at least one year will be required at the earliest. More efficient quarantine measures for infected people are needed to prevent the collapse of medical care and gradually lift restrictions on behavior and sales. As an important item, I would like to verify the ** effect of introducing the contact tracking app ** by simulation.
First, let's take a look at the current medical status of COVID-19 around the world. In the figure below, in countries with 10,000 or more infected people, the horizontal axis is the recovery rate (number of recoverers / number of people requiring treatment), and the vertical axis is the mortality rate (number of deaths / number of people requiring treatment). It is a graph. See this article for the calculation method.
Japan is in a position with a recovery rate of 1.5% and a mortality rate of around 0.25%. In terms of recovery rate, it is equivalent to France, Belgium and Singapore, and in terms of mortality rate, it is equivalent to Germany, Austria, Pakistan and Belarus. Among them, corona tracking apps such as China, Israel, Singapore, and South Korea are said to have been successful, but with the exception of China, which is considered to be the source of infection and the initial response was delayed, Israel, Singapore, and South Korea have certainly died. The rate is low. More than 10 types of corona tracking apps have already been developed around the world. (Reference: Top 10 popular smartphone apps to track Covid-19) It seems that Japan is also developing an application using the API jointly developed by Apple and Google. (Reference: About the development of contact tracing apps). Apple and Google require the approval of national authorities to register the Corona Tracking app in the store, so I don't think there will be multiple apps in a mess. (Reference: How do the corona countermeasure apps in each country implement privacy measures?)
By the way, the corona tracking app that is being introduced in this way has the expected effect.
Various effects are expected, but this time I would like to focus on 1 and evaluate the effects quantitatively.
At that time, the Cluster-based SEIR model shown in the previous article is used as the calculation model. The main reasons for using this model are:
In particular, in the normal SEIR model, when the basic reproduction number is $ R_0 = 2.5
The calculation formula is shown. First, introduce the variables.
Introduce the following as parameters.
The following is a cluster-based SEIR model that incorporates the isolation effect of the app.
\frac{dRp}{dt} &=& - \frac{ln2}{T_h}Rp \\
\frac{dS}{dt} &=& -\frac{1}{ip} Rp \cdot I \\
\frac{dE}{dt} &=& -\frac{dS}{dt} - \frac{1}{lp} E - \alpha E\\
\frac{dI}{dt} &=& \frac{1}{lp} E - \frac{1}{ip} I - \alpha I\\
\frac{dR_1}{dt} &=& \frac{1}{ip} I \\
\frac{dR_2}{dt} &=& \alpha E + \alpha I \\
\frac{dR}{dt} &=& \frac{dR_1}{dt} +\frac{dR_2}{dt}
By the way, the following equation holds.
The point is that the app effect isolates you from E and I at a constant rate.
This time, I would like to show the results first. The initial value of the effective reproduction number is $ R_p (0) = 10 $. Also, let the initial state be $ (E, I, R) = (0,1,0) $.
There is no quarantine by the app. Eventually 113 people will be infected.
When the quarantine rate by the app is 10 [% / day]. In other words, assume that 10% of infected people are quarantined per day.
Eventually 26 people will be infected (R1 + R2). The number of infected people has decreased by 77%.
When the quarantine rate by the app is 20 [% / day].
Eventually 11 people will be infected (R1 + R2). ** The number of infected people has decreased by 90%. ** **
Let's graph the relationship between the quarantine rate by the app $ \ alpha $ and the final number of infected people $ R (T_ {max}), R_1 (T_ {max}), R_2 (T_ {max}) $.
At around ** $ \ alpha = 0.07 $ or more, app quarantines outnumber non-app quarantines **.
From the above, the following trends can be derived from the simulation regarding the effect of early isolation by the corona tracking app based on the cluster-based SEIR model.
I referred to the following page.
Finally, I'll paste the Python code used in this article.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# ODE solver
def my_odeint(deq, ini_state, tseq, keys):
sim = None
v = np.array(ini_state).astype(np.float64)
dt = (tseq[1] - tseq[0])*1.0
for t in tseq:
dv = deq(v,t, keys)
v = v + np.array(dv) * dt
if sim is None:
sim = v
sim = np.vstack((sim, v))
return sim
#define differencial equation of seir model
def seir_eq8(v, t, keys):
Th = keys['Th']
lp = keys['lp']
ip = keys['ip']
al = keys['al']
Rp = v[0];
s = v[1];
e = v[2];
i = v[3];
r1 = v[4];
r2 = v[5];
r = v[6];
dRp = - np.log(2)/Th * Rp
ds = - Rp/ip * i
de = - ds - (1/lp) * e - al * e
di = (1/lp)*e - (1/ip) * i - al * i
dr1 = (1/ip)*i
dr2 = al * e + al * i
dr = dr1 + dr2
return [dRp, ds, de, di, dr1, dr2, dr]
# simulation 1
def calcsim(Rp0, keys):
# solve seir model
# Rp S E I R1 R2 R
ini_state=[Rp0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
sim = my_odeint(seir_eq8, ini_state, t, keys)
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 12
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
ax.plot(t,sim[:,[2,3,4,5]]) # extract E I R1 R2
yw = 10; yn = int(120/yw)+1
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0,yw*(yn-1), yn))
ax.legend([ 'Exposed', 'Infected','Recoverd1(normal)', 'Recoverd2(App-based)'])
# do simulation 1
keys = {'lp':5, 'ip':8, 'Th':7.5, 'al':0.0 }
calcsim(10, keys)
keys = {'lp':5, 'ip':8, 'Th':7.5, 'al':0.1 }
calcsim(10, keys)
keys = {'lp':5, 'ip':8, 'Th':7.5, 'al':0.2 }
calcsim(10, keys)
# simulation 2
def calcAltoRfin(Rp0):
# Rp S E I R1 R2 R
ini_state=[Rp0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
lp = 5
ip = 8
keys = {'lp':lp, 'ip':ip, 'Th':7.5, 'al':(0.) }
mklist = lambda e, l : np.append(np.array(e),l)
rslt = []
for i in np.linspace(0,0.4,20):
keys['al'] = i
sim = my_odeint(seir_eq8, ini_state, t, keys)
r = mklist(keys['al'], sim[-1][4:]) # (i, R(tmax), R1(tmax), R2(tmax))
rslt = np.array(rslt)
ymax = max(rslt[:,2])
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 12
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
ax.plot( rslt[:,0], rslt[:,3], 'b')
ax.plot( rslt[:,0], rslt[:,1], 'g')
ax.plot( rslt[:,0], rslt[:,2], 'r')
ax.legend([ 'R(Total infected)', 'R1(normal purge)', 'R2(App-based purge)'], loc='upper right')
ax.set_xlabel('application-based purge rate [/day]')
ax.set_ylabel('total infected cases at tmax')
yw = 10; yn = int(120/yw)+1
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0,yw*(yn-1), yn))
for tat in [0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4]:
idx = [i for i in range(len(rslt[:,0])) if rslt[i,0] >= tat][0]
print("R_fin with Al:{} is {}".format(rslt[idx,0], rslt[idx,3]))
# do simulation 2