This article is the 14th day article of Useful technology that can be realized in 1 minute Advent Calendar 2015.
Here, mattya's Algorithm for converting style is easy to use. I'll give it a try.
For details, please read the original article Algorithm for converting style, but as an overview "Let's use Deep Neural Network to generate an image that converts the style of painting into a style image while keeping the arrangement of the objects written in the content image." It will be like that.
Perfume × STAR WARS
Then I will try it immediately. As the subject, I took up "Perfume x STAR WARS". It's a collaboration that is trendy and makes you excited just by thinking about it.
Perfume animated by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto in a tie-up with Mercedes-Benz last month
Perfume becomes the character of Mercedes-Benz, designed by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
STAR WARS is showing worldwide excitement ahead of the latest screening this week
Star Wars | STAR WARS |
pip install chainer
cd <working directory>
git clone
Download any model (
This is the end of preparation !! The actual processing after this will take quite some time, but I think that you can really "start in 1 minute" as the title says until setup.
python -m nin -i perfume.png -s star_wars.png -o ~/Desktop -g -1
Hmm ... Perfume's face has crumbled, but Star Wars' style has been nicely applied. Chainer is amazing because you can easily play with Deep Learning!