Install multiple versions of Polyphony using venv

A Python virtual environment called venv

You can use venv to build multiple Python environments. Detailed stories are written in various places, so please search for them. I About VIRTUALENV Was easy to read.

It looks like you can build different versions of Python as well. Here, I will install multiple Polyphony (high-level synthesis by Python), which is one of the Python applications.

My environment is cygwin + Python 3.4 + tcsh

Install venv

pip3 install virtualenv Easy!!

Creating a virtual environment

Create with the pyvenv3 command. The directory will be created automatically.

> pyvenv
pyvenv3    pyvenv-3.4
> pyvenv3 polyphony-0.2.2
> ls

[Addition] pyvenv is deprecated

Since pyvenv is deprecatd, use venv.

> python3.6 -m venv polyphony-0.2.2
> ls

The rest is probably the same.

Running a virtual environment

There is activate.csh under bin, so run it. People in bash will probably run bin / activate.

> source polyphony-0.2.2/bin/activate.csh
[polyphony-0.2.2] >

Installation of polyphony-0.2.2

You can install it with pip3. The installation destination is a virtual environment.

[polyphony-0.2.2] > pip3 install polyphony
Collecting polyphony
  Using cached polyphony-0.2.2.tar.gz
Installing collected packages: polyphony
  Running install for polyphony ... done
Successfully installed polyphony-0.2.2
You are using pip version 8.1.1, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
[polyphony-0.2.2] >

Do a little polyphony

Here is the Python source code.

from polyphony import testbench

class BitOp:
    def __init__(self, w0, w1, b):
        self.w0 = w0
        self.w1 = w1
        self.b = b

    def eval(self, x0, x1):
        tmp0 = self.w0 * x0
        tmp1 = self.w1 * x1
        tmp = tmp0 + tmp1 + self.b
        if tmp <= 0:
            return 0
            return 1

def AND(x1, x2):
    op = BitOp(5, 5, -7)
    return op.eval(x1, x2)

def OR(x1, x2):
    op = BitOp(5, 5, -2)
    return op.eval(x1, x2)

def NAND(x1, x2):
    op = BitOp(-5, -5, 7)
    return op.eval(x1, x2)

def XOR(x1, x2):
    AND = BitOp(5, 5, -7)
    OR = BitOp(5, 5, -2)
    NAND = BitOp(-5, -5, 7)
    s1 = NAND.eval(x1, x2)
    s2 = OR.eval(x1, x2)
    y = AND.eval(s1, s2)
    return y

def test():
    print(XOR(0, 0))
    print(XOR(1, 0))
    print(XOR(0, 1))
    print(XOR(1, 1))


Do this first with python3

[polyphony-0.2.2] Persimmon:works> python

It worked fine. Let's run it with polyphony. You have successfully created the verilog code.

> polyphony
[polyphony-0.2.2] > ls  polyphony_out.v  polyphony_out_test.v  polyphony_out_XOR.v

All you have to do is compile and run it with iverilog. It seems to be working fine.

> iverilog -I . -W all -o test -s test polyphony_out.v polyphony_out_test.v
> ./test
    0:XOR_0_in_x1=   x, XOR_0_in_x2=   x, XOR_0_out_0=   x
  110:XOR_0_in_x1=   0, XOR_0_in_x2=   0, XOR_0_out_0=   x
  280:XOR_0_in_x1=   0, XOR_0_in_x2=   0, XOR_0_out_0=   0
  290:XOR_0_in_x1=   1, XOR_0_in_x2=   0, XOR_0_out_0=   0
  460:XOR_0_in_x1=   1, XOR_0_in_x2=   0, XOR_0_out_0=   1
  470:XOR_0_in_x1=   0, XOR_0_in_x2=   1, XOR_0_out_0=   1
  650:XOR_0_in_x1=   1, XOR_0_in_x2=   1, XOR_0_out_0=   1
  820:XOR_0_in_x1=   1, XOR_0_in_x2=   1, XOR_0_out_0=   0

Install polyphony-0.3.0 in another environment

First, build and execute a virtual environment

> pyvenv3 polyphony-0.3.0
> source polyphony-0.3.0/bin/activate.csh
[polyphony-0.3.0] > cd polyphony-0.3.0/
[polyphony-0.3.0] >

Installation of polyphony-0.3.0

Since it is a version under development, specify a branch from github and clone it.

[polyphony-0.3.0] > git clone -b 0.3.0
Cloning into 'polyphony'...
remote: Counting objects: 2202, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (230/230), done.
remote: Total 2202 (delta 121), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1972
Receiving objects: 100% (2202/2202), 954.49 KiB | 371.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1512/1512), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
[polyphony-0.3.0] > cd polyphony/
[polyphony-0.3.0] > git branch
* 0.3.0
[polyphony-0.3.0] > ls -l
-rw-r--r--1 ryos None 481 March 25 17:01
[polyphony-0.3.0] > python3 install
Rough capture


python3 install

If you think it will work, it seems to look at the information in the URL of So rewrite The part added after @.

 url='[email protected]',


[polyphony-0.3.0] > python3 install

Try to run

Check if the new function io of 0.3.0 can be used.

[polyphony-0.3.0] > ./ tests/io/
[polyphony-0.3.0] > ./ tests/io/
    0:p01_start=x, p01_in_valid=x, p01_out_valid=x, p01_out0=   x, p01_in0=   x
   10:p01_start=0, p01_in_valid=0, p01_out_valid=0, p01_out0=   0, p01_in0=   0
  110:p01_start=1, p01_in_valid=0, p01_out_valid=0, p01_out0=   0, p01_in0=   0
wait_rising out_valid
  120:p01_start=1, p01_in_valid=1, p01_out_valid=0, p01_out0=   0, p01_in0=   2
  140:p01_start=1, p01_in_valid=1, p01_out_valid=0, p01_out0=   4, p01_in0=   2
  150:p01_start=1, p01_in_valid=1, p01_out_valid=1, p01_out0=   4, p01_in0=   2

I feel like I can use it. With this, we have created multiple environments.

polyphony can also generate 64-bit integers by modifying It's a little troublesome, but it is also possible to create a 64-bit environment.

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