[RUBY] Rails sorting function implementation (displayed in order of number of like)


・ Application using rails -The Recipe model is has_many and is linked to the Like model.


has_many :passive_likes, class_name: "Like",
                 foreign_key: "liked_id",
                 dependent: :destroy


class Like < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :liker, class_name: "User"
  belongs_to :liked, class_name: "Recipe"
  validates :liker_id, presence: true
  validates :liked_id, presence: true

What you want to do

・ Displayed in descending order according to the number of liked_ids (count) of the Like model associated with the Recipe model. I want to sort it so that it will be done.

1. Pass the option to the path of the Recipe index template.


      <p><%= link_to "Recent",   recipes_path(option: "recent") %></p>
      <p><%= link_to "Popular",   recipes_path(option: "popular")%></p>

→ Click "Recent" => "recent" is passed as an option. Click "Popular" => "pupular" is passed as an option.

2. Conditional branching of controllers according to the passed options


def index
    if params[:option] == "recent" || params[:option] == nil
      @page_title = "Recent Recipes"
      @recipes = Recipe.all.order(created_at: :desc).paginate(page: params[:page])
    elsif params[:option] == "popular"
      @page_title = "Popular Recipes"
#Recipe and Like table (has_many :passive_likes) are fused. → Like table like_id(==Recipe.id)Group with. (Even if there are multiple, combine them into one.) → Sort in descending order based on the number. → Among them, the new one comes first. →{recipe.id: liked_Number of ids}Hash is back. (Liked_Number of ids量を基準にした降順 + その中でも新しいものが先に。)
      recipes_hash = Recipe.joins(:passive_likes).group("liked_id").order('count_all DESC').order(created_at: :desc).count 
#recipe.Make an array of hash keys only.
      recipe_ids = recipes_hash.keys 
#recipe_Returns Recipe as an array in the order of ids.
      recipe_array = Recipe.find(recipe_ids).sort_by{ |recipe| recipe_ids.index(recipe.id)} 
#Recipe using Kaminari Gem_array(liked_Descending number of ids and created_at descending order)In the order of`@recipes`Substitute the recipe array for.
      @recipes = Kaminari.paginate_array(recipe_array).page(params[:page]).per(20) 

3. Install Kaminari Gem so that you can use Kaminari.

→ Array enables pagination.

4. Delete the default_scope-> {order (created_at :: desc)} described in Recipe.rb.

5. Add ʻorder (created_at :: desc)to@ recipes` on each controller as needed.

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