・ After updating Eclipse to 2020-09, I'm running Eclipse with jre! Message appears -When I tried to put MissionControl in order to grasp the memory status, it had to work with JDK!
I want to run Eclipse with jdk for the reason, but I'm wondering which JDK to use, so it's a memorandum.
・ Windows10 64bit ・ STS4 (Eclipse2020-09) ・ AdoptOpenJDK 11, ~~ 15 ~~ (If it is 15, an error will occur, it may be better to wait until the problem is fixed)
-Oracle JDK (Java SE) https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html If you search for jdk download, you will find jdk that was originally available for commercial use but now requires a license.
・ Open JDK https://openjdk.java.net/install/ Open source jdk. Commercially available. At first, I set this to the Eclipse startup vm, but it started, but I got an error in the build.
-AdoptOpen JDK https://adoptopenjdk.net/ An open source jdk that joined the Eclipse Foundation. When I set it, I was able to build without any error.
・ ** SpringToolsSuite4.ini ** Set the path of the installed bin directory under vm
C:/Program Files/AdoptOpenJDK/jdk-
・ ** Eclipse.ini ** I also tried it in Eclipse and it worked.
C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin
[email protected]/eclipse-workspace
MissionControl It seems to be working properly.
That's all, thank you for your hard work!
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