[JAVA] Implement jCaptcha reload with ajax


Thing you want to do

Redraw jcaptcha using ajax by clicking the reload button If you reload the whole screen, jcaptcha will also be reloaded ...


Success story


<!--jcaptcha display-->
<div class="jcaptchaItemBlook">
  <h:graphicImage id="jcaptchaImage" value="/jcaptcha" />

<!--ajax mounting part-->
<h:commandButton class="jcaptchaReloadBtn" value="Image update" immediate="true">
  `<f:ajax listener="#{controller.reload}" render="jcaptchaImage" event="click" />


public String reload() throws CaptchaServiceException {
     return "#{request.contextPath}/jcapcha" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);

Failure example


<!--jcaptcha display-->
<div class="jcaptchaItemBlook">
  <img id="jcaptchaImage"  src="#{request.contextPath}/jcaptcha" />

Explanation etc.

--The parts other than the description of the failure example are the same as the success example. --Since value could not be set as the return value of ajax with the img tag, graphicImage was adopted --When "# {request.contextPath} / jcapcha" is set in the graphicImage tag on the xhtml side, the contextPath is displayed twice, so delete it. --On the java side, it is necessary to add "# {request.contextPath} / jcapcha" as the return value.

An incident has occurred!

--The problem that FireFox and IE do not refresh even though it works fine in chrome was discovered during testing!

How to respond


<!--jcaptcha display-->
<div class="jcaptchaItemBlook">
  <p:graphicImage id="jcaptchaImage" value="/jcaptcha" cache="false" />

--Needed to change to primeFaces tag. --Add cache = "false".

Final example


<!--jcaptcha display-->
<h:panelGroup class="jcaptchaItemBlook">
  <p:graphicImage id="jcaptchaImage" value="/jcaptcha" cache="false" />

<!--ajax mounting part-->
<h:commandButton class="jcaptchaReloadBtn" value="Image update" immediate="true">
  <f:ajax listener="#{controller.reload}" render="jcaptchaImage" event="click" />


private String captchaImage;
public void reload() throws CaptchaServiceException {

--Changed to use setter by setting the return value to void according to the basics of ajax. -I felt it was subtle if it was

, so I changed it to <h: panelGroup>. --getter / setter uses lombok.jar.

Click here for jcaptcha implementation

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kaiseh/20090502/1241286415 http://www.in-vitro.jp/blog/index.cgi/Library/20050827_01.html

Reference site

https://yoshio3.com/2011/01/18/jsf-20-ajax-support/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5822665/jcaptcha-refresh-only-image-not-whole-page

Reference site ② (solve the incident)

https://www.primefaces.org/docs/vdl/4.0/primefaces-p/graphicImage.html http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/jsf-2.0-fr-eval-oth-JSpec/jsf-2_0-fr-spec.pdf

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