[Python] Error and solution memo when using venv with pyenv + anaconda


ubuntu 16.04 Python 3.5.2 pyenv 1.0.6 anaconda 1.5.1

Errors that occur

$ mkdir hoge
$ pyvenv hoge
Error: Command '['/some/directories/bin/python3.4', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1


Quoted from askubuntu

$ mkdir hoge
$ pyvenv-3.5 --without-pip hoge
$ source venvdir/bin/activate
$ curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
$ deactivate
$ source venvdir/bin/activate

ubuntuask http://askubuntu.com/questions/488529/pyvenv-3-4-error-returned-non-zero-exit-status-1

Actually the second line

pyven-(python version) --without-pip (directory)

It seems that no error will occur if you use


I'm new to programming so I don't know why I get this error. According to askubuntu, it is broken, but ... Recently, program beginners saw in Environment construction is a big wall. I think this article is also a wall that beginners will hit like a beginner. For those who want to take off their skin and teach me for beginners, or if you want to teach me a site with explanations, I would appreciate it if you could comment and tell me on twitter.

Addition / correction

Thank you for your comment.

In Python3.5 or later, it seems to be done like python3 -m venv some_venv. The reason seems to be to clarify which version `` `venv``` is used when using environment management software. I see··· For details, refer to the citation source

Source https://jptomo.github.io/blog/2016/01310_not_use_pyvenv_but_venv.html

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