Color scheme change when executing LS command


The default dircolors setting when starting Ubuntu with WSL2 is hard to see, so I want to change it to a setting that is easy to see.

1. Preparation of dircolors file

The color scheme of directories and files when the ls command is executed is determined by the environment variable $ LS_COLORS.

% echo $LS_COLORS$ echo $LS_COLORS

You can edit the settings with the echo command, but it is better to create / edit the .dircolors file using the dircolors command as shown below.

% dircolors -p > ~/.dircolors // .Create dircolors file

This time, I used the already created solarized theme.

% git clone
% cp dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-universal ~/.dircolors

2. Reflection of settings

If you reflect the setting with the following command and make an alias, it will be reflected from the next time onwards. You can write it in .bashrc.

% eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors -b` //.Reflect dircolors file
% alias ls='ls --color=auto'


By the way, around the 60th line of .bashrc If you change it as follows, the color around the beginning of the command line will be easier to see.

if [ "colorprompt"=yes];thenPS1=′colorprompt"=yes];thenPS1=′{debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}[\033[01;32m]\u@\h[\033[00m]:[\033[00;36m]\w[\033[00m]\$ '


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