[JAVA] Do not give jsessionid at the first access

For servlet 3.0 environment, set the following in web.xml. Reference: java --Is it possible to disable jsessionid in tomcat Servlet? --Stack Overflow An example of how to do it in earlier versions can be found at the reference link.


In case of spring, do as follows. Reference: [java --Set tracking mode to cookie to remove appended session id, without using web.xml --Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16262285/set-tracking-mode-to-cookie-to- remove-appended-session-id-without-using-web-xml)

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.SessionTrackingMode;

import org.springframework.web.WebApplicationInitializer;

public class WebMVCApplicationInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {

	public void onStartup(ServletContext container) throws ServletException {
        Set<SessionTrackingMode> s = new HashSet<>();

If you are using spring-security-web, you can also use AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer.

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.security/spring-security-web -->
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.servlet.SessionTrackingMode;

import org.springframework.security.web.context.AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer;

public class WebSecutityInit extends AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer {
    protected Set<SessionTrackingMode> getSessionTrackingModes() {
        return EnumSet.of(SessionTrackingMode.SSL);

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