How to change arguments in [Java] method (for those who are confused by passing by value, passing by reference, passing by reference)

at first

Pass the value to the method and process the value in the method

I didn't know what to do in Java, which doesn't have pointers or passing by reference like C ++, so I was confused during the investigation and investigation (mainly passing by reference / passing by reference). I will summarize about such things.

Although I am writing an article, I have been in contact with Java for about 3 months, so I would appreciate it if you could point out any mistakes.

Pass by value

For example, write the code below to double the value of the method as an argument in the method. (This code doesn't work as intended)


public class Main{
    /*Double the value in the method*/
    public static void twice(int n){
        n *= 2;
    /*Main function*/
    public static void main(String[] args){
        int num = 2;
        System.out.println(num);   //2

As a result, the value of num is not rewritten in the method, and the originally declared 2 is output as it is. This looks like you are passing the variable num to the method as is, but only the value inside ** num ** is passed to the method. This is called ** passing by value **.

How to rewrite a value in Java

When I try to rewrite a value, there is no pointer or passing by reference (I write it like this now) How should I rewrite the value in Java? The method is to use an array or a class type variable.

Example of using an array


public class Main {
    /*Changed to pass an array*/
	public static void twice(int[] n){
        n[0] *= 2;
    /*Main function*/
    public static void main(String[] args){
        int num[] = new int[1];
        num[0] = 2;
        System.out.println(num[0]);   //4
Example of using a class for storing values

public class Data {
	int num;  //Field for data storage

public class Main {
    /*Changed to pass an instance of the data storage class*/
	public static void twice(Data ins){
        ins.num *= 2;
    /*Main function*/
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Data data = new Data();
        data.num = 2;
        System.out.println(data.num);   //4

So why can arrays and instances rewrite values in methods? Now let's look at the arguments of Java methods (for those who are confused by passing by value, passing by reference, passing by reference).

Java method arguments

It may be a misleading expression, but I stumbled here, so I will say it first. There is only ** passing by value ** in Java **. Forget about passing by reference and passing by value.

What is passed to the method in Java

I said that Java only exists by value, but there are two types of values that are passed depending on the type of variable. First of all, the types of variables are roughly divided into two in Java. ・ Basic type ・ Reference type There is a variable of. And what to pass when set to the argument of each method is different.

At the time of basic type

First of all, the basic type is

Data type Numerical classification
byte integer
short integer
int integer
long integer
floot Floating point
double Floating point
boolean Authenticity
char letter

It refers to. If you pass these as method arguments, Java only passes them by value. In other words, only the value of the contents of the variable is passed, so changing the value of the argument in the method does not change the value of the passed argument.

When it is a reference type

Then for the reference type

・ Class type ・ Array type

And so on. They pass their ** reference value ** when they become method arguments. Now, what is the reference value here?

What is a reference value?

The reference value is an image ** Where the variable exists ** It will be. In C language, it is an image of something like a pointer.

Why the value is rewritten in the method

Java cannot change arguments within a method (not surprisingly because it only exists by value). However, passing a reference value allows you to rewrite the value through the location of that reference value.

What is different from passing by reference

Here, what is different from passing by reference is to the last in Java ** Pass by copying the value of the place where the variable exists called the reference value (of course, the reference value cannot be rewritten) ** It is doing the operation. Pass by reference ** Pass the location of the variable as it is ** It is doing the operation. The result is similar behavior, but Java does not pass by reference, but by value.

An example that shows that you are passing a reference value by value

Rewrite the code that was rewriting the value in the method using the data storage class earlier as follows.

public class Data {
	int num;  //Field for data storage

public class Main {
    /*Pass an instance of the class*/
	public static void twice(Data n){
		/*Create a new instance in the method*/
		Data inMethodInstance = new Data();
		/*Give data*/
		inMethodInstance.num = n.num * 2;  //4
		/*Rewriting reference value*/
        n = inMethodInstance;
    /*Main function*/
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Data data = new Data();
        data.num = 2;
        System.out.println(data.num);  //2

If you change to such a code and execute it, you can see that 2 is output. If it is passed by reference, it is done at the end of the method

n = inMethodInstance

N should be rewritten in the part of and 4 should be output.

By the way, if you write the code so that the code written in Java is passed by reference in C ++, it will be as follows.


#ifndef DATA_H_
#define DATA_H_
/*Data storage class*/
class data 
	int num;



#include <iostream>
#include "data.h"

void twice(data &d) {
	/*Instantiate within a method*/
	data inMethodInstance;
	/*Give a value to the instance in the method*/
	inMethodInstance.num = d.num * 2;
	/*Rewrite the argument*/
	d = inMethodInstance;

int main(void)
	data ins;
	ins.num = 2;
    std::cout << ins.num << std::endl;  //2
	std::cout << ins.num << std::endl;  //4

In C ++ that can pass by reference like this, the value of the argument can be rewritten.

Passing by reference does not exist in Java

As I've seen, there is no passing by reference in Java. Only pass by value exists. However, you can change the value via a reference value.

I think that you might mistakenly think that passing by reference exists in the part where you can change the value via the reference value, but Java only exists by passing by value.

At the end

This time, I've summarized what I investigated about how to rewrite values in Java methods. Since I wrote the article for the first time, it may be difficult to read, but please take a look ...

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