Make slackbot only react on specific channels (Python slackbot)


I am operating my own bot using slackbot on Slack. Channels are created for each purpose, and each bot plugin is executed on its own channel.

However, I often get human error that I run a plugin that is not what the channel is for, and I wanted to do something about it.

Therefore, we implemented a mechanism in the bot that executes processing only on a specific channel.

Verification environment

Python 3.6.1 slackbot 0.5.3

Specify the channel to execute the processing by the decorator

Create a decorator that takes as an argument the channels that you want to allow.

import functools

def in_channel(allow_channel):
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(message, *args, **kargs):
            channel_id = message.body['channel']
            channel_info =[channel_id]
            channel = channel_info['name']
            if allow_channel not in (channel, channel_id):
                message.reply("Please post in #{}".format(allow_channel))
            return func(message, *args, **kargs)
        return wrapper
    return decorator

In the above code, the argument can be either the channel name or the channel ID.

Then apply the decorator to the function you want to execute only on a particular channel. I put the above code in a file called ʻ`.

from import listen_to

from .utils import in_channel

def tsuyoi(message):
    message.reply("Not strong:white_frowning_face:")

In the above code, the function tsuyoi is set to execute only on the channel ** playground **.

--When speaking on the playground channel playground.png

--When speaking on a channel other than the playground channel other.png

Points to note

Write @in_channel ** below ** below the slackbot decorator (@listen_to in the example above). If the order is reversed, @listen_to will be applied first. In that case, I have confirmed that the message will be posted.

in conclusion

By specifying the channel with the decorator, we were able to prevent the mistake of running the plug-in on a channel with a different purpose.

The challenge is that you can only specify one channel (which is fine for my operation). If you want to specify multiple channels, you need to tweak the above code a bit.

Referenced page

Limit slackbot responce to certain channel · Issue #152 · lins05/slackbot · GitHub Reintroduction to Python Decorators ~ Let's Learn Decorators by Type ~ --Qiita

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