Generate a MeCab dictionary from Nico Nico Pedia data


From "Nico Nico Encyclopedia Data" (by Future Search Brazil Co., Ltd.) in National Institute of Informatics website Generate and apply the dictionary of MeCab. This method may be available for text mining for research purposes.


01. Get Nico Nico Pedia data.

02. Place the following Python code in the same hierarchy as the unzipped head folder.

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import csv
import re

def main():
  #Input folder name
  pth = 'head'
  #Output file name
  wtnme = 'ncnc.csv'
  #Deleted string pattern for word formatting
  rmvptn = re.compile(r'(^\d[1,2]Month\d[1,2]Day$)|((\(|().+(\)|))$)') #MonthDayタグとタグ後ろのジャンル名は削除

  with open(wtnme,'wb') as wtfh:
    wt = csv.writer(wtfh)
    fnmes = os.listdir(pth)
    for fnme in fnmes:
      with open(os.path.join(pth,fnme),'rb') as rdfh:
        rd = csv.reader(rdfh)
        for row in rd:
          if row[3]=='a':
            wrd = rmvptn.sub('',row[1]).lower()
            if(0 < len(wrd)):
                [wrd,'0','0',int(max(-32768.0, (6000 - 200 *(len(wrd)**1.3)))),'noun','General','*','*','*','*',wrd,row[2],row[2],'Nico Nico Pedia']

if __name__ == '__main__':

03. Execute Python code.


04. Generate and apply MeCab dictionary.

Using the output CSV, "Add to user dictionary" of MeCab: How to add words was executed. However, the dictionary generation command is as follows.

/usr/local/libexec/mecab/mecab-dict-index -d/usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic -u ncnc.dic -f utf-8 -t utf-8 ncnc.csv


vocaloid and love live! Is the taste of Nico Kitchen.

vocaloid noun, general, *, *, *, *, vocaloid, vocaloid, vocaloid, Nico Nico Pedia And filler, *, *, *, *, *, and, to, to lovelive! Noun, general, *, *, *, *, love live! , Love Live, Love Live, Nico Nico Pedia Is a particle, a particle, *, *, *, *, is, ha, wa Nico Kitchen Noun, General, *, *, *, *, Nico Kitchen, Nico Chu, Nico Chu, Nico Nico Pedia Particles, adnominal forms, *, *, *, *, of, no, no Taste Noun, General, *, *, *, *, Taste, Tashinami, Tashinami .. Symbols, Kuten, *, *, *, * ,. ,. ,. EOS

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