docker build --help Japanese translation
docker build --help
Japanese translation of the document displayed at runtime.
how to use:
docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -
Build an image from a Dockerfile
- --add-host list
Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (
host: ip
- --build-arg list
Set build-time variables
- --cache-from string
Image to use as cache source
- --cgroup-parent string
Optional parent cgroup of the container
- --compress
Compress the build context using gzip
- --cpu-period int
Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
- --cpu-quota int
Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) allocation
- -c, -cpu-shares int
CPU share (relative weight)
- --cpuset-cpus string
CPUs allowed to run (0-3, 0, 1)
- --cpuset-mems string
MEM (0-3, 0, 1) to allow execution
- --disable-content-trust
Skip image validation (default is true)
- -f, -file string
The name of the Dockerfile (default is
PATH / Dockerfile
- --force-rm
Always delete intermediate container
- --iidfile string
Write the image ID to a file
- --isolation string
Container isolation technology
- --label list
Set image metadata
- -m, --memory bytes
Memory limit
- --memory-swap bytes
Swap limit equals memory + swap:
enables unlimited swap
- --network string
Sets the network mode for the RUN instruction during the build (default is
- --no-cache
Do not use cache when building image
- -o, -output stringArray
Output destination (format:
type = local, dest = path
- --platform string
Set platform if server is multi-platform capable
- --progress string
Sets the type of progress output
to display the output of the container (default is auto
- --pull
Always try to pull a new version of the image
- -q, --quiet
Suppress build output and display image ID if successful
- --rm
Remove the intermediate container after a successful build (default is true)
- --secret stringArray
Secret files to publish at build (only if BuildKit is enabled): `ʻid = mysecret, src = / local / secret``
- --security-opt string
Security options
- --shm-size bytes
Size of
/ dev / shm
- --squash
Combine newly constructed layers into a single new layer
- --ssh stringArray
SSH agent socket or key to expose at build time(Only if BuildKit is enabled)(format:
- --stream
The stream connects to the server and communicates the build context
- -t, -tag list
Specify a name. Specify in the format of
name: tag
- --target string
Set the target build stage to build.
- --ulimit ulimit
Ulimit option (default