It seems that it is not well known, so I will introduce it.
It is a Python library that makes it extremely easy to create a simple message box, a dialog asking Yes or No, a dialog asking for the file name to open / save, a dialog for entering characters, numbers, passwords, etc. You can use either Python2 or Python3.
It is not suitable for creating complicated GUI apps, but I think it is useful for small purposes such as wanting one or two user inputs or displaying errors in the GUI.
pip install easygui
Tutorial and API are easy to understand.
When I use some of them properly, it looks like this.
from easygui import *
name = enterbox("Input your name", default="Guido")
msgbox("Hello, " + name)
if ynbox("Are you above 18 years old?"):
age = integerbox("How old are you?", lowerbound=18, upperbound=10000)
filename = fileopenbox("Open file")
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