[JAVA] Come out with a suffix on the method 2


This article is a sequel to Come on with the method suffixed. Please note that there are some parts that are slightly broken.

What I was interested in

Last article was just stress relief, but I was worried about performance. I want to know how slow access to the reflection API is.

Apparently with this

For the time being, I let him vomit for a while.


package suffixMethodsCall;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class suffixMethodsCaller {

	 * <pre>
	 *Execute all getters with suffix included in suffixMethods,
	 *Verify that the matchTargetCode at the beginning is included.
	 * </pre>
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		//Measurement start
		long measureStart = System.currentTimeMillis();

		//Matching string
		String matchTargetCode = "J";
		//Code list obtained from the method with suffix
		List<String> codeList = new ArrayList<String>();

		//Specify the class and method as a character string
		suffixMethods sm = new suffixMethods();
		String clazz = sm.getClass().getName();
		String baseSuffixMethod = "getReturnCode";
		int suffixPartStart = 1;
		int suffixPartEnd = 10;

		//Execute a method with suffix using reflection
		try {
			Class<?> c = Class.forName(clazz);
			Object myObj = c.newInstance();

			//Loop the suffix part and plunge into the code list
			for ( ; suffixPartStart <= suffixPartEnd; suffixPartStart++) {
				//Execution method settings
				Method m = c.getMethod(baseSuffixMethod + String.format("%02d", suffixPartStart));
				//Stuff into code list
		} catch(ReflectiveOperationException e) {

		//Whether the character string to be matched is included in the execution result list of the method with suffix is output as bool

		//The measurement is over!
		long measureEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
		System.out.println((measureEnd - measureStart) + "ms");

Execution result


I see, i see. Next, let's go crazy.


package suffixMethodsCall;

public class suffixMethodsCaller2 {

	 * <pre>
	 *Execute all getters with suffix included in suffixMethods,
	 *Verify that the matchTargetCode at the beginning is included.
	 * </pre>
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		//Measurement start
		long measureStart = System.currentTimeMillis();

		//Matching string
		String matchTargetCode = "J";

		suffixMethods sm = new suffixMethods();

		//Whether the character string to be matched is included in the execution result list of the method with suffix is output as bool
		System.out.println(sm.getReturnCode01().equals(matchTargetCode) || sm.getReturnCode02().equals(matchTargetCode)
				|| sm.getReturnCode03().equals(matchTargetCode) || sm.getReturnCode04().equals(matchTargetCode)
				|| sm.getReturnCode05().equals(matchTargetCode) || sm.getReturnCode06().equals(matchTargetCode)
				|| sm.getReturnCode07().equals(matchTargetCode) || sm.getReturnCode08().equals(matchTargetCode)
				|| sm.getReturnCode09().equals(matchTargetCode) || sm.getReturnCode10().equals(matchTargetCode));

		//The measurement is over!
		long measureEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
		System.out.println((measureEnd - measureStart) + "ms");

Execution result


e. .. .. ?? really? It makes such a difference.

I was a little worried, so another one. It's a bad sentence, but I want to reverse the truth and see if there is any change. I improved the accuracy to nanoTime.


package suffixMethodsCall;

public class suffixMethodsCaller3 {

	 * <pre>
	 *Execute all getters with suffix included in suffixMethods,
	 *Verify that the matchTargetCode at the beginning is included.
	 * </pre>
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		//Measurement start
		long measureStart = System.nanoTime();

		//Matching string
		String matchTargetCode = "J";

		suffixMethods sm = new suffixMethods();

		//Whether the character string to be matched is included in the execution result list of the method with suffix is output as bool
		System.out.println(!sm.getReturnCode01().equals(matchTargetCode) && !sm.getReturnCode02().equals(matchTargetCode)
				&& !sm.getReturnCode03().equals(matchTargetCode) && !sm.getReturnCode04().equals(matchTargetCode)
				&& !sm.getReturnCode05().equals(matchTargetCode) && !sm.getReturnCode06().equals(matchTargetCode)
				&& !sm.getReturnCode07().equals(matchTargetCode) && !sm.getReturnCode08().equals(matchTargetCode)
				&& !sm.getReturnCode09().equals(matchTargetCode) && !sm.getReturnCode10().equals(matchTargetCode));

		//The measurement is over!
		long measureEnd = System.nanoTime();
		System.out.println((measureEnd - measureStart) + "ns");

It's hard to read.

Execution result


Hmm. I will try to make the previous one nano-order.

Execution result


Oh. I tried it several times and the result was almost the same. It's just the superiority or inferiority of readability. I learned a lot.

However, I am surprised at the slowness when using reflection. Is it because there is a for statement? The result was the same even if I thought that I lost the loop.

at the end

Reflection doesn't seem to be recommended for business applications, I personally like it because it can be used very interestingly for internal Util etc.

This article started with stress relief, but when I actually moved my hands, I learned a lot. I hope it will be helpful to anyone.

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