Try giving AWS Lambda environment variables?

I have created a production environment and a test environment in different regions, but there are cases where I want to make different operations depending on the environment, such as when accessing outside AWS. I'm basically using API Gateway

        type: HTTP
        httpMethod: GET
          integration.request.header.hoge: "'some value'"

I'm dealing with it by dividing yaml by region, but it's not smart because similar yaml is managed twice in the repository. .. I was happy if AWS Lambda had environment variables, but I learned a deprecated trick at a study session.


~~ Write parameters in the function name and pass it, then ...? ~~

~~ When I was taught, I heard "I can write JSON in the description!", And I checked if it was acceptable, but I couldn't find a way to get the description. Since the parameter is written in the function name with its own parser or the death flag is too much, I will obediently wait for the version upgrade of AWS Lambda, ~~

It was getFunctionConfiguration properly!

I misunderstood what the context object has. This will widen the width ^ ^

import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    client = boto3.client('lambda')
    response = client.get_function_configuration(

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