User program tracing with SystemTap Part 2

This is a continuation from the previous Trace user program with SystemTap Part 1.

Last time, the purpose was "Let's see the movement without changing the existing source", This time, I will describe how to use SystemTap for the purpose of "when developing your own program, let's trace while outputting the variable value of the attention point as a debugging jig".

I want to use it as my own program development jig

The following features were realized in the previous trace script. -Indentation by function depth -List of function arguments and their values -Return value from the function ・ Detection of system calls (open / close, etc.)

In addition to the above, I wanted the following output to follow the behavior of my own program. ・ I want to know where I passed when there was a branch in the function. ・ I want to know the value of the variable of interest.

I was able to do it. There are places where it seems possible to make it a more sophisticated method, but I will publish it as a method at this point.

Example with sample code

The implementation procedure is described. SystemTap scripts and their corresponding header files for C ++, Shows the execution method and execution result of C ++ source code, SystemTap.

Suppose you have three files under the / home / TestProgs / tr1 / directory: "tr2.cpp", "ttr3.stp" and "ttr3.h" shown below.

SystemTap script for tracing



probe $1.begin
	printf("[proc begin] pid=%d,procname=%s\n", 
		pid(), 		//Process number
		execname()	//Execution file name

probe $1.end
	printf("[proc end] pid=%d,procname=%s\n", pid(), execname());

//Probe on system call
probe $1.syscall
	# open systemcall
	if( $syscall == 2) {
		printf("%s open(%s)\n",thread_indent(0),kernel_string($arg1))
	# close systemcall
	else if ( $syscall == 3) {
		printf("%s close(%d)\n",thread_indent(0), $arg1)
	//system call number is"ausyscall --dump"It can be obtained with the command of.

//Probe to the start of a function
probe $1.function("*").call
	printf("%s-->%s(%s) @%s %s\n",
		ppfunc(),					//Function name(Class name and namespace are not displayed)
		$$parms, 					//Argument list
		usymfileline(addr()),		//File name and line number
		probefunc() 				//Function name(Not demangled)
	thread_indent(1);	//

//Probe to the end of the function
probe $1.function("*").return
		$$return				//Return value

//define TR_FUNC()	STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,lineFunc,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
probe $1.provider("myTrace").mark("lineFunc")
		usymfile(addr()),		//Source code filename
		$arg1,					// __LINE__
		user_string($arg2)	//User space string__PRETTY_FUNCTION__

//define TR_LINE()	STAP_PROBE1(myTrace,line,__LINE__)
probe $1.provider("myTrace").mark("line")
	printf("%s L:%d\n",
		$arg1					// __LINE__

//define TR_LINE_MSG(a1)	STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,lineMsg,__LINE__,a1)			 
probe $1.provider("myTrace").mark("lineMsg")
	printf("%s L:%d, %s",
		$arg1,					// __LINE__

//define TR_MSG(a1) STAP_PROBE1(myTrace,msg,a1) 
probe $1.provider("myTrace").mark("msg")

//define TR_d(a1) STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,p_d,#a1,a1)
probe $1.provider("myTrace").mark("p_d")
	printf("%s=%d ",

//define TR_u(a1) STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,p_u,#a1,a1)
probe $1.provider("myTrace").mark("p_u")
	printf("%s=%u ",

//define TR_x(a1) STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,p_x,#a1,a1)
probe $1.provider("myTrace").mark("p_x")
	printf("%s=0x%x ",

//define TR_s(a1) STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,p_s,#a1,a1)
probe $1.provider("myTrace").mark("p_s")
	printf("%s='%s' ",

//define TR_LOCAL() STAP_PROBE(myTrace,local);
probe $1.provider("myTrace").mark("local")
	printf("[$$locals] %s\n",$$locals); //All local variables in scope

Supplement to ttr3.stp

We used provider (). Mark () to probe the source code. -The character string specified by povider () is used as the namespace, and the character string specified by mark () is used as the identification name. -From the C ++ source code side, the variable name and variable value are displayed with a simple printf image.

C ++ header file paired with ttr3.stp


#ifndef __TTR3_MYTRACE_H_
#define __TTR3_MYTRACE_H_    1

#ifndef NO_MYTRACE

	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <sys/sdt.h>

	//Indent+Source file name+line number+Demangled function name+new line
	#define TR_FUNC()	STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,lineFunc,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)

	//Indent+line number+new line
	#define TR_LINE()	STAP_PROBE1(myTrace,line,__LINE__)

	//Indent+line number+Argument string
	#define TR_LINE_MSG(a1)	STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,lineMsg,__LINE__,a1)

	//Argument string
	#define TR_MSG(a1) STAP_PROBE1(myTrace,msg,a1) 

	//Variable name and its value(printf%d format)   
	#define TR_d(a1) STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,p_d,#a1,a1)

	//Variable name and its value(printf%u format)   
	#define TR_u(a1) STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,p_u,#a1,a1)

	//Variable name and its value(printf%x format)   
	#define TR_x(a1) STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,p_x,#a1,a1)

	//Variable name and its value(printf%s format)   
	#define TR_s(a1) STAP_PROBE2(myTrace,p_s,#a1,a1)

	//Variable names and their values for all local variables in scope+new line
	#define TR_LOCAL() STAP_PROBE(myTrace,local);

	//Dummy test function
	// "> stap -v ttr3.stp "When, ttr3.mark defined by stp()However, if it does not appear even once in the CPP code, the stap execution will result in an error.
	//Also serves as a test code ttr3.mark defined by stap()All of these are described in this function.
	void STAP_TRACE_defines(){
		int dmyI=0;
		const char *dmyS="dummy";
		TR_LINE_MSG("test mesg\n"); 
		TR_MSG("test mesg\n");
		printf("%s %d\n",dmyS,dmyI);


	#define TR_FUNC()			/**/
	#define TR_LINE()			/**/
	#define TR_LINE_MSG(a1)	/**/				 
	#define TR_MSG(a1)  		/**/
	#define TR_d(a1) 			/**/
	#define TR_u(a1) 			/**/
	#define TR_x(a1) 			/**/
	#define TR_s(a1) 			/**/
	#define TR_LOCAL() 		/**/

#endif // NO_MYTRACE

#endif // __TTR3_MYTRACE_H_

Supplement to ttr3.h

-Use the STAP_PROBE system functions defined in sys / sdt.h to mark the probe position of SystemTap. -TR_d, TR_u_TR_x, TR_s have one argument, but the variable name and variable value are obtained using the # operator of #define. -TR_d, TR_u_TR_x, TR_s are defined in the form corresponding to% d% u% x% s of printf. Floating point is not enough ... -I also want to combine TR_d, TR_u_TR_x, and TR_s into one using a template, etc ... (But% d and% x are difficult to distinguish automatically because they depend on the purpose ...).

Sample C ++ source code


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "ttr3.h"

class classSample1{
		int func_C1(){
			TR_LINE(); //Indent line number Newline
			return 0;
		int func_C2(int m);
		int cnt_func_C2 = 0;

int classSample1::func_C2(int m){
	TR_FUNC();	//Indent file name line number demangled function name line break
	int l= cnt_func_C2 % 2;
	uint32_t u32=0xfffffffd + cnt_func_C2;
	uint64_t u64=0xfffffffffffffffd + cnt_func_C2;
	int32_t  i32=-3 + cnt_func_C2;
	int64_t  i64=-3 + cnt_func_C2;

	printf("cnt_func_C2 %d , l:%d ,u32:%u, u64:%lu\n",cnt_func_C2,l,u32,u64);	

	TR_LINE_MSG("");TR_d(cnt_func_C2);TR_d(l);TR_MSG("\n"); 				 	//Indent line number cnt_func_C2 value l value line feed
	TR_LINE_MSG("");TR_d(i32);TR_u(u32);TR_d(i64);TR_u(u64);TR_MSG("\n");	//Indent line number i32 value u32 value i64 value u64 value line feed
	TR_LINE_MSG("");TR_LOCAL();													//Indent All local variables in this scope()

	assert(cnt_func_C2<m);  //Suspended as an example.

	if (l == 0) {
		TR_LINE_MSG("even.\n");	//Indent line number string
		return 0;
		TR_LINE_MSG("odd.\n");	//Indent line number string
		return 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int ret=0;

	classSample1 c1; 

	for(;;) {

		ret = c1.func_C1();

		ret = c1.func_C2(5);

	return ret;


-TR _ *** is added like printf.

Compile C ++ source code

> cd /home/TestProgs/tr2/
> gcc -Wall -g -O0 -std=c++11 tr2.cpp -o tr2 -lstdc++

Run SystemTap script

> stap -v ttr3.stp 'process("/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2")'

Give the argument a string containing the full path to the executable. The parser result as shown below is output.


Pass 1: parsed user script and 491 library scripts using 243904virt/56396res/3316shr/53796data kb, in 790usr/40sys/837real ms.
WARNING: function _start return probe is blacklisted: keyword at ttr3.stp:45:1
 source: probe $1.function("*").return
Pass 2: analyzed script: 57 probes, 41 functions, 6 embeds, 2 globals using 246812virt/60696res/4680shr/56704data kb, in 120usr/110sys/228real ms.
Pass 3: translated to C into "/tmp/stap4b9QpY/stap_8a82d56cba8247f5ae53b508cd7dbe33_50483_src.c" using 246956virt/61192res/5028shr/56848data kb, in 50usr/110sys/159real ms.
Pass 4: compiled C into "stap_8a82d56cba8247f5ae53b508cd7dbe33_50483.ko" in 4050usr/640sys/4517real ms.
Pass 5: starting run.

-Waiting for execution of the target program

Open another shell and execute the target program

> cd /home/TestProgs/tr2/
> ./tr2

Output of SystemTap script ttr3.stp


[proc begin] pid=16890,procname=tr2
     0 tr2(16890): open(/etc/
     0 tr2(16890): close(3)
     0 tr2(16890): open(/lib64/
     0 tr2(16890): close(3)
     0 tr2(16890): open(/lib64/
     0 tr2(16890): close(3)
     0 tr2(16890): open(/lib64/
     0 tr2(16890): close(3)
     0 tr2(16890): open(/lib64/
     0 tr2(16890): close(3)
     0 tr2(16890):-->_start() @0x4006e0 _start
    19 tr2(16890):-->__libc_csu_init() @0x400a10 __libc_csu_init
    32 tr2(16890): -->_init() @0x400628 _init
    43 tr2(16890): <--_init,
    47 tr2(16890): -->frame_dummy() @0x4007a0 frame_dummy
    57 tr2(16890):  -->register_tm_clones() @0x400740 register_tm_clones
    68 tr2(16890):  <--register_tm_clones,
    70 tr2(16890): <--frame_dummy,
    73 tr2(16890):<--__libc_csu_init,
    86 tr2(16890):-->main(argc=0x1 argv=0x7ffc0ea27058) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:53 main
   100 tr2(16890): -->classSample1(this=0x0) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:11 _ZN12classSample1C2Ev
   113 tr2(16890): <--classSample1,
   116 tr2(16890): -->func_C1(this=0x7ffc0ea26f50) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:13 _ZN12classSample17func_C1Ev
   222 tr2(16890):   L:15
   227 tr2(16890): <--func_C1,return=0x0
2003172 tr2(16890): -->func_C2(this=0x7ffc0ea26f50 m=0x5) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:23 _ZN12classSample17func_C2Ei
2003220 tr2(16890):  /home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:24:int classSample1::func_C2(int)
2003281 tr2(16890):   L:34, cnt_func_C2=1 l=1 
2003299 tr2(16890):   L:35, i32=-2 u32=4294967294 i64=-2 u64=18446744073709551614 
2003324 tr2(16890):   L:36, [$$locals] __PRETTY_FUNCTION__=[...] l=0x1 u32=0xfffffffe u64=0xfffffffffffffffe i32=0xfffffffffffffffe i64=0xfffffffffffffffe
2003337 tr2(16890):   L:44, odd.
2003345 tr2(16890): <--func_C2,return=0x1
4003668 tr2(16890): -->func_C1(this=0x4006e0) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:13 _ZN12classSample17func_C1Ev
4003729 tr2(16890):   L:15
4003738 tr2(16890): <--func_C1,return=0x0
6006538 tr2(16890): -->func_C2(this=0x7ffc0ea26f50 m=0x5) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:23 _ZN12classSample17func_C2Ei
6006587 tr2(16890):  /home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:24:int classSample1::func_C2(int)
6006612 tr2(16890):   L:34, cnt_func_C2=2 l=0 
6006630 tr2(16890):   L:35, i32=-1 u32=4294967295 i64=-1 u64=18446744073709551615 
6006655 tr2(16890):   L:36, [$$locals] __PRETTY_FUNCTION__=[...] l=0x0 u32=0xffffffff u64=0xffffffffffffffff i32=0xffffffffffffffff i64=0xffffffffffffffff
6006668 tr2(16890):   L:41, even.
6006676 tr2(16890): <--func_C2,return=0x0
8008347 tr2(16890): -->func_C1(this=0x4006e0) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:13 _ZN12classSample17func_C1Ev
8008409 tr2(16890):   L:15
8008418 tr2(16890): <--func_C1,return=0x0
10009956 tr2(16890): -->func_C2(this=0x7ffc0ea26f50 m=0x5) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:23 _ZN12classSample17func_C2Ei
10010004 tr2(16890):  /home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:24:int classSample1::func_C2(int)
10010028 tr2(16890):   L:34, cnt_func_C2=3 l=1 
10010046 tr2(16890):   L:35, i32=0 u32=0 i64=0 u64=0 
10010070 tr2(16890):   L:36, [$$locals] __PRETTY_FUNCTION__=[...] l=0x1 u32=0x0 u64=0x0 i32=0x0 i64=0x0
10010081 tr2(16890):   L:44, odd.
10010089 tr2(16890): <--func_C2,return=0x1
12014178 tr2(16890): -->func_C1(this=0x4006e0) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:13 _ZN12classSample17func_C1Ev
12014238 tr2(16890):   L:15
12014246 tr2(16890): <--func_C1,return=0x0
14014842 tr2(16890): -->func_C2(this=0x7ffc0ea26f50 m=0x5) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:23 _ZN12classSample17func_C2Ei
14014888 tr2(16890):  /home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:24:int classSample1::func_C2(int)
14014912 tr2(16890):   L:34, cnt_func_C2=4 l=0 
14014930 tr2(16890):   L:35, i32=1 u32=1 i64=1 u64=1 
14014953 tr2(16890):   L:36, [$$locals] __PRETTY_FUNCTION__=[...] l=0x0 u32=0x1 u64=0x1 i32=0x1 i64=0x1
14014965 tr2(16890):   L:41, even.
14014972 tr2(16890): <--func_C2,return=0x0
16015484 tr2(16890): -->func_C1(this=0x4006e0) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:13 _ZN12classSample17func_C1Ev
16015579 tr2(16890):   L:15
16015588 tr2(16890): <--func_C1,return=0x0
18020986 tr2(16890): -->func_C2(this=0x7ffc0ea26f50 m=0x5) @/home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:23 _ZN12classSample17func_C2Ei
18021033 tr2(16890):  /home/TestProgs/tr2/tr2.cpp:24:int classSample1::func_C2(int)
18021057 tr2(16890):   L:34, cnt_func_C2=5 l=1 
18021074 tr2(16890):   L:35, i32=2 u32=2 i64=2 u64=2 
18021098 tr2(16890):   L:36, [$$locals] __PRETTY_FUNCTION__=[...] l=0x1 u32=0x2 u64=0x2 i32=0x2 i64=0x2
[proc end] pid=16890,procname=tr2

Of the previous feature, -Indentation by function depth -List of function arguments and their values -Return value from the function ・ System call detection In addition to, -Output the line number where the branch passed -Display the variable name and its value for the variable of interest With the addition of I feel that it can be conveniently used for tracing jigs of my own programs, incident generation during testing, etc.

Thank you for reading this far.

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