[Python / AWS Lambda layers] I want to reuse only module in AWS Lambda Layers


There was no article that only pinpointed what I wanted to do, so I created it as a memo

It's almost the same as the method of the article Common library with AWS Lambda Layers, but ** pip install without including any self-made source. If you want to reuse only the module on lambda ** I couldn't find it even if I searched for the method, so I made an article. (Because I want to use it many times!)


1. Zip the modules into a zip

$ mkdir python

#If you have any other modules you want, put them all in your python directory
$ pip install module_name -t ./python

#Layer the contents of the python directory.Compress to zip
$ zip -r layer.zip python/

2. Upload to S3

Make the S3 bucket first

(1) When using GUI

Omitted as it is easy to upload in the AWS console of the GUI

(2) When using the command line

When the file size is large or the communication line is poor (!), It will fail unless uploaded via the command line.

Install aws-cli v2 and execute the following command on it.

#Check backet name
$ aws s3 ls
2019-05-07 19:04:54 xxxxxxxxxxxxx # <=Bucket name

#Upload to s3
#aws s3 cp File name you want to upload Bucket name
$ aws s3 cp ./layer.zip s3://xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wait (˘ω˘)

3. Create layers

4. Call layer from your lambda function

For 3 and 4, Add Layer to Lambda Function in the article introduced in Overview earlier. A2% E6% 95% B0% E3% 81% ABlayer% E3% 82% 92% E8% BF% BD% E5% 8A% A0% E3% 81% 99% E3% 82% 8B) I was fine.

(Sorry for the miscellaneous. Thank you very much to @t_okkan for creating the article!)

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