[JAVA] I have summarized the articles that programming beginners referred to.

Useful articles for learning

It is often said that the ability to research is important in programming, but there are too many unfriendly articles in the world. I think everyone has had the experience of losing a lot of time by getting caught up in poor quality articles. So, as a result of searching when I stumbled as a programming beginner, I summarized the most helpful </ b> articles.

My programming level

It is ks. ・ Programming history 2 months (as of 9/25/2019) ・ Progate Lv 200 ・ Java "Easy Java", "Clearly understandable JSP & Servlet", "Clearly understandable Java introductory practice", and made some simple games ・ Level that can be used with MySQL ・ JavaScript, TypeScript: A level where you can write code somehow ・ Angular, Springboot, a level that can be used somehow


For beginners, Progate → I think the reference book is an iron plate. At first I thought I'd do my best with a free article, but I lost a lot of time. Progate is used to "know", and reference books are used to "understand". Maybe smart people don't need Progate. I think that the reference book should be one that is highly evaluated by Amazon.

Java [TECH Projin] (https://tech.pjin.jp/) ・ Practice questions will be studied. For beginners who have finished inputting, I think it is a good idea to solve the problem here for the time being.

[The point of understanding lambda expressions and Stream API is "type"] (http://masatoshitada.hatenadiary.jp/entry/2015/02/09/190150) ・ In the refreshing series, I could only understand the lambda expression somehow, but this article deepened my understanding. (* The refreshing series is a very educational reference book)

Spring boot What is "Spring Boot" that solves the diversifying Java framework problem? ・ Spring boot just inputs this content, and I don't feel much inconvenience so far.

Angular [Introduction to Angular Docs] (https://angular.jp/docs) ・ Angular had little information and had a hard time learning. I googled a lot, but the official tutorial (Japanese) is the easiest to understand. (The reference book uses Amazon's most acclaimed Angular application programming)

Memo (or rather commandment)

・ It's faster to google than to worry. ・ When doing research. Avoiding English is a detour after all. (It's hard for TOEIC 630 ...) ・ Since it is still in the process of learning, we will add it as appropriate.

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