Try to prepare each environment of kivy

Last time, I found out that various environments are required to use kivy.

So, it will be an article to build and prepare each environment.

Usage environment

--Mac (built) --Windows (here article, OS setup completed) --CentOS7 (here article, OS setup completed)

When I thought that CentOS would end quickly, I noticed a surprisingly difficult fact. Someone who doesn't know how to install Cython.

Linux environment (CentOS 7 version)

Ubuntu?Gentoo?Fedora? CentOS7 Delicious Les (^ q ^) If you think about it, as mentioned earlier, here is the account that is orz when installing Cython.

For the time being, installing Cython seems like a path for everyone, but I dare to pass through the wisdom of the ancestors and install it on my own.

I thought that I should enter with such a pip, and when I tried it casually, it became like this.

$ pip install cython
bash: pip:The command was not found...

Hey. Chikusho. I wonder if pip is also an environment, CentOS is Zako. It can't be helped to complain, so I will proceed by executing the command as follows.

$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install python-pip SDL2 SDL2_ttf SDL2_image SDL2_mixer gstreamer python-devel freeglut-devel
$ sudo pip install pip setuptools --upgrade
$ sudo pip install Cython
$ sudo pip install kivy pygame

There may be other libraries you need, but as of February 16, 2017 this worked fine.

$ sudo pip install kivy
Requirement already satisfied: Kivy-Garden>=0.1.4 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from kivy)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-package (from Kivy-Garden>=0.1.4->kivy)
Installing collected packages: kivy
  Running install for kivy ... done
Successfully installed kivy-1.9.1

Lightly check if it works the same as when kivy was installed on early Macs.


It was OK until the operation check. Next is the build with pyinstaller.

python -m PyInstaller --name xxxx ./

This passed the build. Execution was also OK. The practice was also OK o r z

After all, that's right. Is it necessary for each environment ... Developers cry?

Window environment (Windows 10 Pro)

Basically, I proceeded with the installation procedure below, but I will note that there was a slight catch.

kivy installation for windows

There are three places that are jammed.

--It has been used since python3.x --Microsoft Visual C ++ 14.0 is required to install Cython and use Microsoft Visual C ++ Build Tools. - --Since Cython is required to install kivy, run python -m pip install cython --Glew is required to install kivy, so install glew from

Please let me know if it works. I will try again. Linux, Mac is a serious god environment.


Code used to check the operation of kivy

import kivy


from import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label

class MyApp(App):
  def build(self):
    return Label(text='Hello world')

if __name__ == '__main__':


tired. .. .. I was happy to build a development environment that I could do multi-platform development, but I didn't understand the Windows development environment at all. I'm a former Windows user. Compared to developing on Mac or Linux, developing Windows may be quite troublesome. Rather, I feel that the development environment for Mac and Linux is more complete.

Windows users are unlikely to return for the time being.

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