I noticed while trying to run ninix-aya with Docker (Part 3)


The package version of ninix-aya was able to Dockerize by safely preparing a Dockerfile and some nar files.

However, the latest version of ninix-aya has not yet been converted to Docker and operated.

Environment required for the latest release version of ninix-aya

It seems to work with Python 3.2. It was reported that the author did not work if it was 3.3. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is Python 3.4.

That's where pyenv comes in.

Required packages before putting pyenv

You probably won't encounter this if you use Ubuntu in a virtual machine without using docker, but put python under pyenv without the following packages. It seems that there are many cases where it will be redone

apt-get install -y libbz2-dev

What kind of error

ImportError: No module named bz2

You can't put it in later with pip, so it will be returned to the beginning.


Related posts

-I noticed while trying to run ninix-aya with Docker (1) --Qiita -Awareness while trying to run ninix-aya with Docker (Part 2) --Qiita

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