Does Java Need to Learn Anymore?

</ i> Self-introduction

Created a service that allows live distribution of live houses for graduation production in the 4th grade of G's Academy. At the graduation production presentation, he was a man who did something that he should never do in the presentation, saying that he could not talk about the service at all because he did not have enough time to actually deliver it live. Currently, I am a new engineer working in the Java development field. Recently, I have had many opportunities to study Java, and this time I would like to briefly write about Java, which has a slightly difficult impression.

</ i> What is Java?

If you have read this article and are interested in programming even a little, you probably know the programming language "Java".

It is a typical object-oriented language that is currently mainstream, and is also known as the language used in Android application development. By the way, if you are going to learn from now on, please be aware that it is completely different from "Java Script".

Java was the language used mainly in Web development in the 90's and 2000's, and is still widely used in many development sites.

</ i> Is Java old?

As mentioned above, Java is still widely used, but I think that some people have an old-fashioned impression. (On the contrary, it seems to be new for those who have been developing in C language for a long time) In recent years, Java has not been widely adopted in speed-oriented development sites due to the rise of scripting languages and the abundance of libraries and APIs in other languages. This is because, as anyone who has experience with both scripting and Java will understand, each description is a roundabout way. (On the contrary, the language called modern is an easy-to-understand and straightforward description) If you compare it to a human being, it's OK if a human being in the science field who conveys all the information too logically and it becomes difficult to convey it is Java, leaving detailed information behind and transmitting it for the time being. Is it like a script for a human being with a humanities who emphasizes communication and cooperation?

</ i> Why Java is used?

So why is Java, a roundabout way, still active for some reason? One of the reasons is that Java is the language that has been mainly used up to now at development sites with financial resources such as major companies. The other is safety. Even the blue banks had system problems, and big companies pay as much as they want for safety. As a result, even if the method is inefficient, it will be Java as a result of taking a more secure method. I interpret it in myself.

</ i> Do so-called Web people need not do Java?

I think people don't have to do it because they want to start a business. However, in my personal opinion, if you want to learn programming purely as a culture, you should definitely do it. (I'm likely to get angry at someone who has learned C language ...) I want to make it quickly for the time being! People may not need to do it. However, if you want to be a weirdo programmer who wants to master various languages, I think you should definitely do it (laughs). Because it is a typical object-oriented language, various languages are being developed under the influence of Java. Often, when it comes to learning a programming language, moving sideways is easy. It seems that it is easy to move horizontally if the beginning is Java. (I can't say that much because I have little experience with other languages ...) There are also popular languages such as Scala and jruby that run on the Java development environment.

</ i> Conclusion

Those who are aware of the weirdos should do Java! !! You don't have to do anything else! !! It feels like what a new engineer is saying, but I think it's not too far away.

</ i> Let's do Java! !!

It may be a roundabout and annoying guy, but it's also true that there are many fans who love it. It's been many years since Java has been said to be old, but I'm still active in my field. There is no doubt that it will continue to be used in the future. Few people are doing Java at J's, but Java is inevitable when trying to improve performance in Android development. It's a difficult language to study, but if you survive it, you may be able to improve your level as an engineer.

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