python3x: What do * args and ** kwargs appear as parameters mean?

Originally ~~ or originally ~~ * and ** Established as. However, it seems that they are usually written as * args and ** kwargs in the neighborhood. The main difference is whether the variable completion method is tuple or dictionary.

What is it useful for


def foo(*args):
    for a in args:
        print a

foo(1) #1
foo(1,2,3) #1\n2\n3\n

If you put * args as a temporary argument, when you say" how many arguments to take yet "during function creation" ʻArgs` is responsible for taking all the arguments that come in as tuple placeholders.

def test_var_args_call(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    print ("arg1:", arg1)
    print ("arg2:", arg2)
    print ("arg3:", arg3)

args = ("two", 3)
test_var_args_call(1, *args)

arg1: 1
arg2: two
arg3: 3

An image of preparing the ʻargsvariable first and then covering it with* args. The first parameter: 1 is received as ʻarg1 and the rest are all placed inside ʻarg2 and ʻarg3. By the way, if you specify the number of arguments first and then enter it as a function, be aware that you can only receive as many arguments as the function defined first can receive. If it is def function (arg1, * args), only the first one goes to ʻarg1 and the rest is taken by * args`.

def test_var_args(farg, *args):
    print "formal arg:", farg
    for arg in args:
        print "another arg:", arg

test_var_args(1, "two", 3)

formal arg: 1
another arg: two
another arg: 3

If you want to use it like this, you often don't know how many arguments will come, so it's easier to say "process x for the number of arguments that come out" with for loop. It's a small detail, but if you use return instead of print here, only the first one will be displayed. I think the reason is probably that return has the characteristic that once it is processed, the loop ends. As a countermeasure that comes to mind, save it in a list inside the loop and execute __return statement outside the __ loop.

def test_var_args(farg, *args):
    print("formal arg:", farg)
    for arg in args:
        print("another arg:", arg)

    return arg

formal arg: 1
another arg: two
another arg: 3

I tried to force it like this, but I could only get the last three. The reason is that the loop ends with the end of ʻarg` sticking to 3.

The for-loop runs each statement in it for however so many times.. if one of your statements is a return, then the function will return when it hits it. This makes sense in, for example, the following case:

def get_index(needle, haystack):
    for x in range(len(haystack)):
        if haystack[x] == needle:
            return x

Here, the function iterates until it finds where the needle is in the haystack, and then returns that index (there's a builtin function to do this, anyways). If you want the function to run for however many times you tell it to, you have to put the return AFTER the for-loop, not inside it, that way, the function will return after the control gets off the loop

def add(numbers):
    ret = 0
    for x in numbers:
        ret = ret + x
    return ret # needs to be outside the loop


In a nutshell, * manages variables with tuples, while ** saves them as a dictionary. In other words, you can take two arguments, key and value.

def bar(**kwargs):
    for a in kwargs:
        print(a, kwargs[a])

bar(name="your mom", age=12, hotness=1) #hotness 1\nage 12\nname your mom


In addition to * args and ** kwargs, there is also an idiom called * l. The main usage is to open the list received as a variable, extract the contents and save it in tuple. All you have to do is add a list to the value of the variable l (or define it and send it later, etc.) and just call it withfunc (* l). However, it is necessary to prepare the same number of parameters for the function to be called.

def foo(a, b):
    print(a, b)

l = [1, 2]
foo(*l) #1, 2


By the way, both * args and ** kwargs can only be received as targets that receive functions. What does that mean

def make_averaged(*args):
    return *args / len(str(*args))
# causes syntax error

Since it causes syntax error, handle variables only with the name after *. As a memorandum because I sometimes forget it.

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