[JAVA] Since Activator is welcoming EOL, we will create a correspondence table between Activator and SBT commands.

I recently started using the Play Framework. In Play, I learned to build and start with Activator,

It seems that Activator will reach EOL on May 24, 2017. Official site source From now on, it seems that new templates will use Giter8, and compile and run will be done with plain sbt. After opening the GW, EOL ... I'd like to create a command correspondence table now so that I won't be impatient when I'm out of focus.

I'm still a beginner in Play, so if there's something wrong or missing, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know in an edit request.

sbt official website

Command correspondence table

Caution) The activator and sbt prefixes are omitted. When using it, add activator or sbt before the command shown.

Activator SBT Overview Remarks
activator sbt Launch console
help <command> help <command> View help
--- about View detailed information
run run Start the server in development mode
clean clean Delete all generated files
compile compile compile
--- package Creating a jar
--- reload Reload build definition
console console Launch the interactive console
-jvm-debug --- Debug mode sbt is standard-jvm-debugIs not included.
sbt-launcher-packageIs possible by using
test test Compile and run all tests
"testOnly " "testOnly " 特定のTest classを実行 複数のTest classを実行するばあいは、スペースを開け、
"testOnly testA testB"Specify
new <project name> new <giter8 template> Create a new template project sbt version 0.13.Available from 13 or above.
Giter8 template
~ <sbt command> --- Use sbt function

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Since Activator is welcoming EOL, we will create a correspondence table between Activator and SBT commands.
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