A story that contributes to new corona analysis using a free trial of Google Cloud Platform

(Reprinted from my blog)


In the previous article, I tried to analyze the new corona with Folding @ Home on an AWS instance, but it didn't work very well due to instance constraints. In this article, I tried the same thing with a free trial frame of Google Cloud Platform. This time, we will take advantage of the ** 12-month $ 300 credit ** that you get when you sign up for a trial.

What I did ①: Create an account

This time from creating an account.


What I did (2): Creating a project

Create a new project for this purpose.




What I did ③: Creating a VPC environment

As when I tried it on AWS, first build a VPC environment and set up an instance in it.

③-1. VPC + subnet creation



③-2. Firewall settings




What I did ④: Build a VM instance on VPC

Create a VM instance (EC2 in AWS) on the VPC environment created in (3).

④-1. Instance creation

item Set value
region us-west1
zone us-west1-b
Machine n1-standard-1
CPU platform freedom
Boot disk Debian GNU/Linux9(stertch)10GB standard persistent disk
Firewall Uncheck both


④-2. Creating a new user with root privileges


What I did ⑤: Linux settings

Change SSH port number

Port *****
$ sudo service sshd reload

What I did ⑥: Introducing Folding @ Home

Introduced only the minimum required FAH Client.


$ wget https://download.foldingathome.org/releases/public/release/fahclient/debian-stable-64bit/v7.6/fahclient_7.6.9_amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i --force-depends fahclient_7.6.9_amd64.deb


  <!-- Client Control -->
  <fold-anon v='true'/>

  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
  <!-- v7.6.9-COVID for cause after 1-If you specify 19, corona related tasks will be assigned preferentially.-->
  <cause v='COVID_19'/>
  <gpu v='false'/>

  <!--Access authority setting to the Web controller. xxx.xxx.xxx.Enter your IP address in place of xxx-->
  <allow> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx</allow>
  <web-allow> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx</web-allow>

  <!--How much CPU resources do you use? light,middle,3 choices of full-->
  <power v='full'/>

  <!-- User Information -->
  <!--User information. If you enter the user name, how much you contributed individually will be aggregated-->
  <user v='deflat'/>
  <!--The ID of the team you want to belong to. Optional. By the way, 222 is"Japan"team.-->
  <team v='222'/>
  <!--Optional. You can get more points by registering your e-mail address on the official website and setting the received key.-->
  <passkey v='***Paste the key here***'/>

  <!--Slot number and type. This time there is only one CPU so don't mess with it-->
  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='0' type='CPU'/>


Reflect settings & restart service

$ sudo /etc/init.d/FAHClient stop
$ sudo /etc/init.d/FAHClient start

Operation check




Change log

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