Reconsideration of paging implementation by Relay style in GraphQL (version using Window function)


Previously, I implemented a trial implementation of Relay style in the following article.

-Paging implementation by Relay style in GraphQL (Part 1: Backend) -Paging implementation by Relay style in GraphQL (Part 2: Front end)

However, the combination of the requirements of "moving to the previous / next page" and "sorting in ascending / descending order by any item" created more complicated implementation than I had imagined, and was quite indigestive. This time, I tried to simplify the implementation on the backend side (from the previous time) by putting an architectural constraint that assumes that the RDB to be used is PostgreSQL.

Languages and libraries used in this sample implementation

In addition, we will not explain these individual languages and libraries.

front end

Same as Last Front End Article.

Back end


Assumed specifications

It has the following functions on the page that lists some information (this time Customer (customer)).

--String search filter (partial match search) --Transition between previous page and next page --Sort in ascending or descending order by list display element --Change the number of items displayed in the list

Simply get all the items when the initial page is displayed, and search each time (as much as necessary for one page) instead of the previous page and next page transition on memory. When the following is executed, the display returns to the first page even if the paging is in progress (for example, the second page is being displayed).

--Sort in ascending or descending order by list display element --Change the number of items displayed in the list

screen image

When the initial page is displayed (By default, the specifications are arranged in descending order of ID)


At the time of transition to the second page


When using a search filter

screenshot-localhost_3000-2020.11.16-01_01_41.png screenshot-localhost_3000-2020.11.16-01_02_42.png

Sort by name in ascending order

1st page screenshot-localhost_3000-2020.11.16-01_03_40.png 2nd page screenshot-localhost_3000-2020.11.16-01_03_54.png 3rd page screenshot-localhost_3000-2020.11.16-01_04_06.png

Changed the number of items displayed in the list to 10 (+ "Age" in descending order)

1st page screenshot-localhost_3000-2020.11.16-01_06_09.png

2nd page screenshot-localhost_3000-2020.11.16-01_06_21.png

Related Articles Index

--The 12th "Reconsideration of paging implementation by Relay style in GraphQL (Window function use version)" --The 11th "Correspondence to N + 1 problem using Dataloaders" --The 10th "GraphQL (gqlgen) Error Handling" ――The 9th "Certification authorization case in GraphQL (Auth0 RBAC tailoring)" --The 8th "GraphQL / Nuxt.js (TypeScript / Vuetify / Apollo) / Golang (gqlgen) / Google Cloud Storage combination video file upload implementation example ” ――The 7th "Paging implementation by Relay style in GraphQL (Part 2: Front end)" --The 6th "Paging implementation by Relay style in GraphQL (Part 1: Backend)" --The 5th "Start GraphQL server with DB connection (by Golang) on local machine Docker container" --The 4th "GraphQL Schema First for Front End with graphql-codegen" --Third "Create GraphQL server with go + gqlgen (DB connection using GORM)" --The 2nd "NuxtJS (with Apollo) TypeScript support" --Part 1 "Create a GraphQL service with a combination of" nuxtjs / apollo "on the front end and" go + gqlgen "on the back end"

Development environment

OS - Linux(Ubuntu)

$ cat /etc/os-release 
VERSION="20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa)"


#Language --Golang

$ go version
go version go1.15.2 linux/amd64



IDE - Goland

GoLand 2020.2.3
Build #GO-202.7319.61, built on September 16, 2020

All sources this time


DB Run PostgreSQL v13 with Docker Compse. (Since it is used only locally, write passwords etc. in solid)


version: '3'

    restart: always
    image: postgres:13-alpine
    container_name: study-graphql-postgres-container
      - "25432:5432"
      - DATABASE_HOST=localhost
      - POSTGRES_DB=study-graphql-local-db
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=yuckyjuice
      - PGPASSWORD=yuckyjuice
      - ./local/data:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

Create a " customer "table in the above DB.

CREATE TABLE customer (
  id bigserial NOT NULL,
  name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  age int NOT NULL,

The records in the customer table are below.

GraphQL schema

Actually, it's not so complicated if it's only the Relay part, but this time it's a combination of "character string search filter" and "ascending / descending sort by each element", so the definition is a little complicated.

$ tree schema/
├── connection.graphql
├── customer.graphql
├── order.graphql
├── pagination.graphql
├── schema.graphql
└── text_filter.graphql


# Global Object Identification ...Make all data unique with a common ID
interface Node {
    id: ID!

schema {
    query: Query

type Query {
    node(id: ID!): Node


customerConnection query

extend type Query {
  "Get TODO list by Relay-compliant paging-compatible search"
    "Paging conditions"
    pageCondition: PageCondition
    "Sorting conditions"
    edgeOrder: EdgeOrder
    "String filter condition"
    filterWord: TextFilterCondition
  ): CustomerConnection

This is the query called from the front end this time. A description of each element will be described later. It has the following fields according to the requirements.

--"Paging condition" including the condition of transition between the previous page and the next page --"'Sort condition'" including ascending order of each element and sort condition described later --" String filter condition` "for string search filter (partial match)

The return value of the query is in the Relay-compliant Connection format (also described later).


"For returning results with paging"
type CustomerConnection implements Connection {
  "Page information"
  pageInfo: PageInfo!
  "Search result list (* including cursor information)"
  edges: [CustomerEdge!]!
  "Total number of search results"
  totalCount: Int64!

For storing the execution result of the customerConnection query. Compliant with Relay Specifications (maybe not at that level, reference level).

The Connection interface (described later) is implemented so that it can be handled universally. Page information (PageInfo) will be described later.


"Search results (* including cursor information)"
type CustomerEdge implements Edge {
  node: Customer!
  cursor: Cursor!

The Edge interface (described later) is implemented so that it can be used for general purposes. Shows the search results for one item. It has information called "cursor" for data identification. The Cursor type will be described later.


type Customer implements Node {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  age: Int!

Represents one customer.

■pagination.graphql PageCondition A type that represents the "paging condition" to be passed to the query.

"Paging conditions"
input PageCondition {
    "Previous page transition condition"
    backward: BackwardPagination
    "Next page transition condition"
    forward: ForwardPagination
    "Current page number (as of the time before this paging)"
    nowPageNo: Int64!
    "Number of items displayed per page"
    initialLimit: Int64!

BackwardPagination The paging condition passed when transitioning to the "previous page".

"Previous page transition condition"
input BackwardPagination {
    "Number of acquisitions"
    last: Int64!
    "Acquisition target identification cursor (* Records before this cursor when transitioning to the previous page are acquisition targets)"
    before: Cursor!

ForwardPagination The paging condition passed during the "next page" transition.

"Next page transition condition"
input ForwardPagination {
    "Number of acquisitions"
    first: Int64!
    "Acquisition target identification cursor (* Records behind this cursor are the acquisition targets when transitioning to the next page)"
    after: Cursor!

Cursor In the cursor, store the URL-encoded value after combining the ROW_NUMBER that is assigned when searching the DB with the table name. See below.

"Cursor (identifier that uniquely identifies one record)"
scalar Cursor

■order.graphql EdgeOrder A type that represents the "sorting condition" passed to the query.

"Sorting conditions"
input EdgeOrder {
    "Sort key item"
    key: OrderKey!
    "Sort direction"
    direction: OrderDirection!


Sort key

[Consideration process]
I wanted to make it a general-purpose structure and type-safe, so I tried to implement it with input or enum for each function after defining it with interface.
However, I gave up because input was a specification that could not implement interface.
I wish the enum had an inheritance feature, but it didn't.
CustomerOrderKey and (if more) sort keys for other features in union|I also thought about how to connect with
I also gave up because it was a specification that union could not be included as an element in input.
However, I wanted to provide sorting as a common mechanism, and as a result, I enumerated the enum fields for each function in a common input.
input OrderKey {
    "Sort key for user list"
    customerOrderKey: CustomerOrderKey


"Sorting direction"
enum OrderDirection {
    "ascending order"
    "descending order"

■text_filter.graphql TextFilterCondition A type that represents the "string filter condition" to be passed to the query.

"String filter condition"
input TextFilterCondition {
    "Filter string"
    filterWord: String!
    "Matching pattern"
    matchingPattern: MatchingPattern!


"Matching pattern type (* Add "start match" or "end match" depending on requirements)"
enum MatchingPattern {
    "Partial Match"
    "Perfect matching"


scalar Int64

"For returning results with paging"
interface Connection {
    "Page information"
    pageInfo: PageInfo!
    "Result list (* including cursor information)"
    edges: [Edge!]!
    "Total number of search results"
    totalCount: Int64!

"Page information"
type PageInfo {
    "With or without next page"
    hasNextPage: Boolean!
    "With or without previous page"
    hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
    "1st record on the page"
    startCursor: Cursor!
    "Last record on the page"
    endCursor: Cursor!

"Search result list (* including cursor information)"
interface Edge {
    "Substitution is possible if the type implements the Node interface"
    node: Node!
    cursor: Cursor!

Back end

main function

This is not the subject of this time, so just present the source.


package main

import (

	_ ""

func main() {
	// MEMO:Since it is used only locally, it is solid
	dsn := "host=localhost port=25432 dbname=study-graphql-local-db user=postgres password=yuckyjuice sslmode=disable"
	db, err := sqlx.Connect("postgres", dsn)
	if err != nil {

	boil.DebugMode = true

	var loc *time.Location
	loc, err = time.LoadLocation("Asia/Tokyo")
	if err != nil {

	r := chi.NewRouter()
	r.Handle("/", playground.Handler("GraphQL playground", "/query"))
					Resolvers: &graph.Resolver{
						DB: db,

	if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r); err != nil {

func corsHandlerFunc() func(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return cors.New(cors.Options{
		AllowedOrigins:   []string{"*"},
		AllowedMethods:   []string{"GET", "POST"},
		AllowedHeaders:   []string{"Accept", "Authorization", "Content-Type", "X-CSRF-Token"},
		ExposedHeaders:   []string{"Link"},
		AllowCredentials: true,
		MaxAge:           300, // Maximum value not ignored by any of major browsers

Customer list acquisition resolver that supports paging

This is the source that bears the subject of this time. Roughly speaking,

    1. Define the parameter structure required to construct the search SQL statement
  1. If "Search string" is specified from GraphQL client, it will be reflected in the above structure.
    1. If "paging" is specified from the GraphQL client (in short, whether it is the initial page display, the previous page, or the next page), it will be reflected in the above structure.
  2. If "Arrangement" is specified from GraphQL client, it will be reflected in the above structure.
  3. SQL execution for search
  4. Convert search results to Relay format and return


func (r *queryResolver) CustomerConnection(ctx context.Context, pageCondition *model.PageCondition, edgeOrder *model.EdgeOrder, filterWord *model.TextFilterCondition) (*model.CustomerConnection, error) {
	 *For holding various elements required for SQL construction
	params := searchParam{
		//Table name of information acquisition destination
		tableName: boiled.TableNames.Customer,

		//The default sort order is ID descending order
		orderKey:       boiled.CustomerColumns.ID,
		orderDirection: model.OrderDirectionDesc.String(),

	 *Search string filter settings
	 * TODO:If you want to apply a filter to multiple columns, connect with AND here or buildSearchQueryMod()Need to be considered to expand
	filter := filterWord.MatchString()
	if filter != "" {
		params.baseCondition = fmt.Sprintf("%s LIKE '%s'", boiled.CustomerColumns.Name, filter)

	 *Paging settings
	if pageCondition.IsInitialPageView() {
		//Initial page view without paging
		params.rowNumFrom = 1
		params.rowNumTo = pageCondition.InitialLimit
	} else {
		//Transition instruction to the previous page
		if pageCondition.Backward != nil {
			key, err := decodeCustomerCursor(pageCondition.Backward.Before)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			params.rowNumFrom = key - pageCondition.Backward.Last
			params.rowNumTo = key - 1
		//Transition instruction to the next page
		if pageCondition.Forward != nil {
			key, err := decodeCustomerCursor(pageCondition.Forward.After)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			params.rowNumFrom = key + 1
			params.rowNumTo = key + pageCondition.Forward.First

	 *Specifying the order
	if edgeOrder.CustomerOrderKeyExists() {
		params.orderKey = edgeOrder.Key.CustomerOrderKey.String()
		params.orderDirection = edgeOrder.Direction.String()

	 *Search execution
	var records []*CustomerWithRowNum
	if err := boiled.Customers(buildSearchQueryMod(params)).Bind(ctx, r.DB, &records); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	 *Necessary for determining the existence of the next page and the previous page after paging
	 *For holding the number of results after applying the search string filter
	var totalCount int64 = 0
		var err error
		if filter == "" {
			totalCount, err = boiled.Customers().Count(ctx, r.DB)
		} else {
			totalCount, err = boiled.Customers(qm.Where(boiled.CustomerColumns.Name+" LIKE ?",
				filterWord.MatchString())).Count(ctx, r.DB)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	 *Relay return format
	result := &model.CustomerConnection{
		TotalCount: totalCount,

	 *Convert search results to Edge slice format
	var edges []*model.CustomerEdge
	for _, record := range records {
		edges = append(edges, &model.CustomerEdge{
			Node: &model.Customer{
				ID:   strconv.Itoa(int(record.ID)),
				Name: record.Name,
				Age:  record.Age,
			Cursor: createCursor("customer", record.RowNum),
	result.Edges = edges

	//Calculate the total number of pages by this search from the total number of search results and the number of items displayed per page
	totalPage := pageCondition.TotalPage(totalCount)

	 *Information required for screen display and next paging on the client side
	pageInfo := &model.PageInfo{
		HasNextPage:     (totalPage - pageCondition.MoveToPageNo()) >= 1, //Is there still a page ahead after the transition?
		HasPreviousPage: pageCondition.MoveToPageNo() > 1,                //Is there still a previous page after the transition?
	if len(edges) > 0 {
		pageInfo.StartCursor = edges[0].Cursor
		pageInfo.EndCursor = edges[len(edges)-1].Cursor
	result.PageInfo = pageInfo

	return result, nil

Parameter structure required to construct a search SQL statement

	params := searchParam{
		//Table name of information acquisition destination
		tableName: boiled.TableNames.Customer,

		//The default sort order is ID descending order
		orderKey:       boiled.CustomerColumns.ID,
		orderDirection: model.OrderDirectionDesc.String(),

The above entity is below. Basically, it overwrites with the conditions passed from GraphQL client, but if it is not specified, the default is required at the beginning. (Even in the function that constructs the SQL statement by passing searchParam, it is actually initialized)


type searchParam struct {
	orderKey       string
	orderDirection string
	tableName      string
	baseCondition  string
	rowNumFrom     int64
	rowNumTo       int64

Search string filter settings

	 *Search string filter settings
	 * TODO:If you want to apply a filter to multiple columns, connect with AND here or buildSearchQueryMod()Need to be considered to expand
	filter := filterWord.MatchString()
	if filter != "" {
		params.baseCondition = fmt.Sprintf("%s LIKE '%s'", boiled.CustomerColumns.Name, filter)

The character string for search is constructed by the following function.


func (c *TextFilterCondition) MatchString() string {
	if c == nil {
		return ""
	if c.FilterWord == "" {
		return ""
	matchStr := "%" + c.FilterWord + "%"
	if c.MatchingPattern == MatchingPatternExactMatch {
		matchStr = c.FilterWord
	return matchStr

For the matching pattern, only exact match and partial match are prepared for the time being, but you can increase the prefix match and suffix match as needed.


//Matching pattern type (* Add "start match" or "end match" depending on requirements)
type MatchingPattern string

const (
	//Partial Match
	MatchingPatternPartialMatch MatchingPattern = "PARTIAL_MATCH"
	//Perfect matching
	MatchingPatternExactMatch MatchingPattern = "EXACT_MATCH"

Paging settings

When the initial page is displayed (in short, assuming the timing when the screen is opened for the first time, the sorting items are changed, or the number of items displayed in the list is changed), the following.

	if pageCondition.IsInitialPageView() {
		//Initial page view without paging
		params.rowNumFrom = 1
		params.rowNumTo = pageCondition.InitialLimit
	} else {

Whether it is the initial page or not is judged as follows.


func (c *PageCondition) IsInitialPageView() bool {
	if c == nil {
		return true
	return c.Backward == nil && c.Forward == nil

Next, the flow line at the time of transition to the previous page or the next page is as follows.

	} else {
		//Transition instruction to the previous page
		if pageCondition.Backward != nil {
			key, err := decodeCustomerCursor(pageCondition.Backward.Before)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			params.rowNumFrom = key - pageCondition.Backward.Last
			params.rowNumTo = key - 1
		//Transition instruction to the next page
		if pageCondition.Forward != nil {
			key, err := decodeCustomerCursor(pageCondition.Forward.After)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			params.rowNumFrom = key + 1
			params.rowNumTo = key + pageCondition.Forward.First

The important thing here is decoding the cursor. The cursor is URL-encoded in the form " customer + ROW_NUMBER ". ROW_NUMBER is a premise that a serial number is assigned to the result regardless of the search content (whether it is narrowed down or sorted in ascending or descending order).


Decode as follows.


func decodeCustomerCursor(cursor string) (int64, error) {
	modelName, key, err := decodeCursor(cursor)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if modelName != "customer" {
		return 0, errors.New("not customer")
	return key, nil

The definition of decodeCursor (~~~~) is as follows.


const cursorSeps = "#####"

func decodeCursor(cursor string) (string, int64, error) {
	byteArray, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(cursor)
	if err != nil {
		return "", 0, err
	elements := strings.SplitN(string(byteArray), cursorSeps, 2)
	key, err := strconv.Atoi(elements[1])
	if err != nil {
		return "", 0, err
	return elements[0], int64(key), nil

See the image below for how to get the records for the page to be displayed this time with the above logic.

Currently, the state is as follows.
・ The number of items displayed per page is 5
・ Arranged in descending order of ID
・ The state where the second page is displayed

1st page, 2nd page, 3rd page
 ROW_NUMBER: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

■ In case of instruction to transition to "previous page"
I want records 1 to 5 on the first page.
 pageCondition.Backward.ROW decoded Before_In NUMBER (indicates the first record on the second page)[6]Is included.
Also, pageCondition.Backward.The number of items displayed per page in Last[5 cases]Is included.
Therefore, the range to be acquired is determined by the following calculation.
 From:6 - 5 = 1
 To :6 - 1 = 5

■ In case of instruction to transition to "next page"
I want records 11 to 15 on the third page.
 pageCondition.Forward.ROW decoded After_In NUMBER (indicates the last record on the second page)[10]Is included.
Also, pageCondition.Forward.Number of items displayed per page in First[5 cases]Is included.
Therefore, the range to be acquired is determined by the following calculation.
 From:10 + 1 = 11
 To :10 + 5 = 15

Specifying the order

	if edgeOrder.CustomerOrderKeyExists() {
		params.orderKey = edgeOrder.Key.CustomerOrderKey.String()
		params.orderDirection = edgeOrder.Direction.String()

The definition of CustomerOrderKeyExists () is as follows.


func (o *EdgeOrder) CustomerOrderKeyExists() bool {
	if o == nil {
		return false
	if o.Key == nil {
		return false
	if o.Key.CustomerOrderKey == nil {
		return false
	return o.Key.CustomerOrderKey.IsValid()

The key candidates for sorting related to "customer" information are as follows.


type CustomerOrderKey string

const (
	// ID
	CustomerOrderKeyID CustomerOrderKey = "ID"
	CustomerOrderKeyName CustomerOrderKey = "NAME"
	CustomerOrderKeyAge CustomerOrderKey = "AGE"

Search execution

	var records []*CustomerWithRowNum
	if err := boiled.Customers(buildSearchQueryMod(params)).Bind(ctx, r.DB, &records); err != nil {
		return nil, err

First, the structure of CustomerWithRowNum, which is the slice type as records, is as follows. boiled.Customer is a structure automatically generated by SQL Boiler from the DB table definition. Wrap this and keep the ROW_NUMBER you receive as row_num in your SQL statement as RowNum. By doing this, when receiving the execution result of the SQL statement, it is not necessary to create a structure that matches the table definition one by one, and only the elements that you want to add can be added.


type CustomerWithRowNum struct {
	RowNum          int64 `boil:"row_num"`
	boiled.Customer `boil:",bind"`

Next, the definition of buildSearchQueryMod (params) is as follows.


// TODO:I made it roughly for the time being. How versatile it is, such as supporting multiple tables, depends on the requirements.
func buildSearchQueryMod(p searchParam) qm.QueryMod {
	if p.baseCondition == "" {
		p.baseCondition = "true"
	q := `
		SELECT row_num, * FROM (
			SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY %s %s) AS row_num, *
			FROM %s
			WHERE %s
		) AS tmp
		WHERE row_num BETWEEN %d AND %d
	sql := fmt.Sprintf(q,
		p.orderKey, p.orderDirection,
		p.rowNumFrom, p.rowNumTo,
	return qm.SQL(sql)

Use the PostgreSQL Window function (ROW_NUMBER ()) to assign a serial number to the result of applying the specified string search filter and sorting. From the result, extract the desired range of ROW_NUMBER. Now, regardless of the sort element, ascending or descending order, you can get the same mechanism for "previous page" and "next page" by specifying the range of ROW_NUMBER.

Convert search results to Relay format and return

Number of results after applying the search string filter

As stated in the comment, the number of results of the refined search by the search string filter is acquired, and after the page transition, whether the previous (next) page still exists (* By returning this information, the UI design on the front end , You can control the activation / inactivity of the [Prev] button and [Next] button.

	 *Necessary for determining the existence of the next page and the previous page after paging
	 *For holding the number of results after applying the search string filter
	var totalCount int64 = 0
		var err error
		if filter == "" {
			totalCount, err = boiled.Customers().Count(ctx, r.DB)
		} else {
			totalCount, err = boiled.Customers(qm.Where(boiled.CustomerColumns.Name+" LIKE ?",
				filterWord.MatchString())).Count(ctx, r.DB)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

With SQL Boiler, just write boiled.Customers (). Count (ctx, r.DB) using the auto-generated source You can get the total number of customer tables. If you want to add a search condition, just write it in the xxxx part ofboiled.Customers (xxxx)as in the above source using the description method prepared by SQL Boiler.

Relay return format

In the return format required by Relay, all you need is " edges "and" pageInfo", but due to the UI design, you usually want the number of cases, so totalCount is also defined.

	 *Relay return format
	result := &model.CustomerConnection{
		TotalCount: totalCount,


Cursor decoding is as described above, but encoding is here. Generate a cursor from ROW_NUMBER for each search result. By returning this to the front end, paging can be realized on the front end side by simply adding the cursor to the parameter at the next page transition (without specifying the acquisition range in particular).

	 *Convert search results to Edge slice format
	var edges []*model.CustomerEdge
	for _, record := range records {
		edges = append(edges, &model.CustomerEdge{
			Node: &model.Customer{
				ID:   strconv.Itoa(int(record.ID)),
				Name: record.Name,
				Age:  record.Age,
			Cursor: createCursor("customer", record.RowNum),
	result.Edges = edges

CustomerEdge has the following structure.


//Search result list (* including cursor information)
type CustomerEdge struct {
	Node   *Customer `json:"node"`
	Cursor string    `json:"cursor"`

The definition of createCursor (modelName, key) is as follows.


const cursorSeps = "#####"

func createCursor(modelName string, key int64) string {
	return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%d", modelName, cursorSeps, key)))


Since there is information to be calculated and returned here, the processing at the front end is lightened. The following is required as page information.


//Page information
type PageInfo struct {
	//With or without next page
	HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage"`
	//With or without previous page
	HasPreviousPage bool `json:"hasPreviousPage"`
	//1st record on the page
	StartCursor string `json:"startCursor"`
	//Last record on the page
	EndCursor string `json:"endCursor"`

First, calculate the "total number of pages" to determine "presence or absence of next page".

	//Calculate the total number of pages by this search from the total number of search results and the number of items displayed per page
	totalPage := pageCondition.TotalPage(totalCount)

The definition of TotalPage (~~) is as follows.


func (c *PageCondition) TotalPage(totalCount int64) int64 {
	if c == nil {
		return 0
	var targetCount int64 = 0
	if c.Backward == nil && c.Forward == nil {
		targetCount = c.InitialLimit
	} else {
		if c.Backward != nil {
			targetCount = c.Backward.Last
		if c.Forward != nil {
			targetCount = c.Forward.First
	return int64(math.Ceil(float64(totalCount) / float64(targetCount)))

Using the above, "presence or absence of next page" can be determined as follows.

	 *Information required for screen display and next paging on the client side
	pageInfo := &model.PageInfo{
		HasNextPage:     (totalPage - pageCondition.MoveToPageNo()) >= 1, //Is there still a page ahead after the transition?
		HasPreviousPage: pageCondition.MoveToPageNo() > 1,                //Is there still a previous page after the transition?

The definition of MoveToPageNo (), which is also used in the above "presence / absence of previous page" judgment, is as follows.


func (c *PageCondition) MoveToPageNo() int64 {
	if c == nil {
		return 1 //Initial page due to unexpected
	if c.Backward == nil && c.Forward == nil {
		return c.NowPageNo //Because it does not transition to the front or the back
	if c.Backward != nil {
		if c.NowPageNo <= 2 {
			return 1
		return c.NowPageNo - 1
	if c.Forward != nil {
		return c.NowPageNo + 1
	return 1 //Initial page due to unexpected

After that, the first and last cursors are extracted separately from the record of the page displayed by this search.

	if len(edges) > 0 {
		pageInfo.StartCursor = edges[0].Cursor
		pageInfo.EndCursor = edges[len(edges)-1].Cursor
	result.PageInfo = pageInfo

This cursor will use " StartCursor "when transitioning to the" previous page "at the next page transition in the front end, and" EndCursor" when transitioning to the "next page".

Before ・ ・ ・ StartCursor
After ・ ・ ・ EndCursor

front end

The source is below.

This is the same structure as the article I wrote before, so the explanation is omitted. Please refer to the following. Paging implementation by Relay style in GraphQL (Part 2: Front end)

Operation check

When the first page is displayed (in descending order of ID)

DB status

Screenshot at 2020-11-16 23-12-21.png

Screen transition result

1st page


2nd page


3rd page


GraphQL response data on page 3 Screenshot at 2020-11-16 23-21-30.png

Return to page 2


Change in ascending order of ID

DB status

Screenshot at 2020-11-16 23-25-51.png

Screen transition result

1st page


2nd page


3rd page


Return to page 2


Change Name in descending order

DB status

Screenshot at 2020-11-16 23-29-36.png

Screen transition result

1st page


2nd page


3rd page


Return to page 2


Ascending order of Age and change to "10" per page display

DB status

Screenshot at 2020-11-16 23-33-46.png

Screen transition result

1st page


2nd page


Return to page 1


Change to filter in ascending order of Name and " k "

DB status

Screenshot at 2020-11-16 23-39-52.png

Screen transition result



With this, paging (and sorting by element and combination of character string search filters) on the page called "Customer List" has been realized for the time being. Even as a backend implementation, SQL is uniformly in the same format without having the value of the sorting element in the Cursor as in previous. I can now hit. However, mass-producing this for each function is too much for the boiler plate, so it is necessary to create a template as much as possible when actually using it. Also, I write TODO in the comments in the source, but there are various issues.

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