GCP Key Management Service + Python for secret information management


I want to manage secret information with a python application. This time, secret information is managed in yaml. For encryption and decryption, use GCP's Key Management Service. Decrypt it with a python app so that it can be used.


Create a key link and key by referring to Quick Start.

First, create a yaml file with secret information



Encrypt this as follows and create sample_secret.yml.encrypted

gcloud kms encrypt --location global --keyring test --key quickstart 
      --plaintext-file sample_secret.yml 
      --ciphertext-file sample_secret.yml.encrypted

Decrypt with python

When using it in a python application, do as follows.

f = open("/path/to/sample_secret.yml.encrypted", "rb")
client = kms_v1.KeyManagementServiceClient()
name = client.crypto_key_path_path(

res = client.decrypt(name, f.read())
data = yaml.load(res.plaintext, Loader=yaml.BaseLoader)

Encrypted secret files should be managed by git, and unencrypted files should be targeted by .gitignore.

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