[DISCORD BOT] Server Manager Command Help

Click here for the Server Manager invitation link ↓ https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=699967735538384987&permissions=8&scope=bot

The problem is to cron-chan in the invitation link group below. https://discord.gg/pYknnfP Inside the server, you can get the same content by running / help.


VC ダウンロード.gif In this way, by joining a VC, you can create a new VC and move it. This allows you to launch multiple VCs at the same time indefinitely. Also, you can rest assured that VCs that are no longer available will be automatically deleted. Request It is a thread function. It was designed to accept requests from users to the server. You can create a temporary channel by running the req / create Title command. This allows you to launch multiple threads at the same time indefinitely. debug debug/profile Mention or User ID Displays the profile of the specified user. If no argument is specified, the profile of the performer is displayed. debug/info Guild ID Displays the profile of the specified guild (server). If no argument is specified, it displays the details of the server that was run.

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