Django template reads Makdown and reStructuredText written in an external file as HTML

1. Overview

It's hard to write document pages (Terms of Service, FAQ, Privacy Policy, About Page, etc.) as they are in HTML, so write them in an external file with markdown, load them in a Django template (like the include tag), and use them as HTML. Output.


{% load markup %}
{% load my_tags %}

{% read_file 'myapp/' as source %}
{{ source|markdown:"safe" }}


#About this app

This app is ...

* Django
* Python
* uwsgi

Output result

スクリーンショット 2016-10-07 11.22.56.png

2. Realization method

1. Install django-markwhat

This time we'll use django-markwhat (+ Markdown) as the core rendering library. If you put this one in, it can support both markdown and reStructuredText, which is convenient.


$ pip install django-markwhat Markdown




2. Develop tags to search and read files from the template directory


from django import template
from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist

register = template.Library()

def read_file(context, template_name):
Load a text file using the template loader

Example: {% read_file 'admin_doc/pages/' as source %}

    for loader in context.template.engine.template_loaders:
            source, _path = loader.load_template_source(template_name)
            return source

        except TemplateDoesNotExist:
        raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name)

Like this, create a template tag that retrieves the contents of the file from the template directory using only the file loading function of Django's template loader.

3. Run

I wrote at the beginning,


{% load markup %}
{% load my_tags %}

{% read_file 'myapp/' as source %}
{{ source|markdown:"safe" }}

Markdown is now displayed in HTML.

By the way, Qiita's Markdown is powerful and easy to use, but this Markdown is much poorer.

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