I'm currently learning programming, and this keeps what I want to make a note of for myself.
(It's a continuation of what I posted last time, or something like another route.) [Rails] Error resolution when generating tokens with PAYJP
After entering the test card information and pressing the purchase button,
Was displayed.
I will omit it because it is described in the previous content,
When I wrote console.log ()
in the JavaScript description of token generation and checked status
, it was 200
, and it was confirmed that token generation was successful.
(No tokens ?? That shouldn't be the case !!!)
I used binding.pry
to check the contents of params
to find the cause of the error.
pry(#<OrdersController>)> params
=> <ActionController::Parameters {"authenticity_token"=>"uRxJ+Ho4c2vi4Pc8MrK/s7UhNbujnVBDt7qjJ11pFpeHWDMltGl3eu/ls94DaALSPNfIpoMtUd4aeOcs4Z8Y4w==", "item_order"=>{"postal_code"=>"555-0000", "prefecture_id"=>"9", "city"=>"Municipality", "block_number"=>"address", "building_name"=>"Building name", "phone_number"=>"09012345678"}, "token"=>"tok_3b5890d13fb07a96a6cf2fa832e0", "controller"=>"orders", "action"=>"create", "id"=>"3"} permitted: false>
As you can see from the second half,
The token
was firmly in the params
! !! !!
The tokens are well generated!
Next, let's take a look at the current state of the controller.
****_controller.rb (partial excerpt)
def order_params
params.require(:item_order).permit(:token, :postal_code, :prefecture_id, :city, :block_number, :building_name, :phone_number).merge(item_id: @item[:id], user_id: current_user.id)
def set_item
@item = Item.find(params[:id])
def pay_item
Payjp.api_key = ENV["PAYJP_SECRET_KEY"]
amount: @item.selling_price,
card: order_params[:token],
As for the current description,
It receives : token
in: item_order
in params
as ʻorder_params [: token]`.
It means that.
Now, let's check again by typing ʻorder_params in
pry(#<OrdersController>)> order_params
=> <ActionController::Parameters {"postal_code"=>"555-0000", "prefecture_id"=>"9", "city"=>"Municipality", "block_number"=>"address", "building_name"=>"Building name", "phone_number"=>"09012345678", "item_id"=>3, "user_id"=>3} permitted: true>"building_name"=>"Building name", "phone_number"=>"09012345678"} permitted: false>
There is no token
! !! !! !! !! !! !!
params.require(:item_order).permit(:token, ~~~~)
Why are you writing with require
and permit
like this? ?? ??
When I checked with bindng.pry
, I was able to confirm that token
was generated, so there was a problem with how to move the generated token.
The location where token
is currently generated is outside ʻitem_order and directly under
params, so The location of the
token` was different in the first place.
In binding.pry
, try typingparams [: token]
pry(#<OrdersController>)> params[:token]
=> "tok_14078502197e031107d18bb7e428"
Will come out.
So it was necessary to write it like this.
def order_params
params.require(:item_order).permit(:postal_code, :prefecture_id, :city, :block_number, :building_name, :phone_number).merge(item_id: @item[:id], user_id: current_user.id, token: params[:token])
It's a bit long, but I'm writing token
inside the merge
It is a description to attract to ʻorder_params instead of ʻitem_order
By doing this, I was able to attract to ʻorder_params, so after changing the description, check with
pry(#<OrdersController>)> order_params
=> <ActionController::Parameters {"postal_code"=>"333-0000", "prefecture_id"=>"13", "city"=>"Municipality", "block_number"=>"address", "building_name"=>"Building name", "phone_number"=>"09012345678", "item_id"=>3, "user_id"=>3, "token"=>"tok_14078502197e031107d18bb7e428"} permitted: true>
This is perfect ☆ You can now receive it at ʻorder_params [: token]`, and the payment was successful! !! !!
Understand the whereabouts of token
Use the merge
method to merge!