[Eclipse] Flow of introduction as a Java development environment (I investigated various things at that time)

All I don't know in the first place

Referenced page. [Eclipse, the first step-from installation to the introduction of a convenient Japanese localization plug-in](ttps: //employment.en-japan.com/engineerhub/entry/2020/03/19/103000#IDE%E3%81 % A8Eclipse)

Hmmm, I think it's okay to read it, but I've come up with a lot of interesting terms, so I want to understand them well, so I'd like to summarize them in my own words.

What is Eclipse

Created by IBM for Java development. It was open sourced in 2001.

** What is open source? Is it free? ** **

Well that's what it is. It means that it can be used for free. And you can see the source code of the software, and you can freely improve it. It feels like ** Wikipedia **.

What is the de facto standard for IDEs?

de facto standard de facto is the Latin word, in fact, In other words, it means ** de facto standard **.

In other words, when it comes to mobile phones, smartphones are the de facto standard. Google is the de facto standard search engine. Amazon is the de facto standard for online shopping. Twitter is the de facto standard for SNS. YouTube is the de facto standard for video distribution. And in the future, the day will come when flying cars will become the de facto standard! !! I don't know.

Is VS Code that I have been using up to now the de facto standard?

Referenced page [[2020] What is the difference between IDE and editor? Should I use VSCode? ](Https://scalapedia.com/articles/57/%E3%80%902020%E3%80%91IDE%E3%81%A8%E3%82%A8%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3 % E3% 82% BF% E3% 81% AE% E9% 81% 95% E3% 81% 84% E3% 81% AF% EF% BC% 9FVSCode% E3% 82% 92% E4% BD% BF% E3 % 81% 86% E3% 81% B9% E3% 81% 8D% EF% BC% 9F)

Visual Stadio Code is an editor, not an IDE. However, if you install the plugin, it's close to the IDE.

In other words, the IDE already has the plugin. The editor should not include a plug-in.

Features of Eclipse

It has a lot of useful functions from the IDE and so on.

Support for each reduction by UML and ER diagrams. It seems that functions such as application placement and uploading to various servers will be possible by inserting a plug-in. After all, the IDE also needs to install the plug-in!

What is UML?

Unified Modeling Language What is UML? Explains how to write and 9 diagrams such as class diagrams and sequence diagrams

UML uses graphics to represent the overall picture (or local part) of the system. You can imagine that it is easier to understand the outline of the system and find problems than the character-based design document.

In other words? Is it easy to understand with illustrations?

It's easier to understand if you do only the letters, and it's easier to understand what the whole system is like if you make it easy to understand with UML. I don't like only letters.

Also, if the writing style is different, it may be a problem, so the description rules are clear, so maintainability is excellent.

Anyone can understand that it is easy to maintain because UML written by someone else is written according to the rules. This means that even if you make corrections, it will be easier to understand the current situation, so you can start quickly. It's early.

image.png https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/ja/examples/uml-tool

What is an IDE (after all, a convenient function like a smartphone)

integrated Development Environment

  1. Code entry
  2. Compile
  3. Run Originally it seems to be done with different tools. It seems that it can be realized on one application with IDE.

In other words, it's a modern smartphone. conventionally

  1. Make a call → Mobile phone
  2. Research items → Library or personal computer
  3. Game → Game console and TV

What I used to use different things is that I can do various things with one smartphone by using an IDE-like smartphone (integrated and extremely convenient phone environment).

I don't know the actual work level, but there is no reason not to use it unless otherwise specified due to on-site designation and security.

So, as I wrote in the features of Eclipse, I wonder if I should have the image of a high-performance editor.

With VSCode alone, if you do not manually install the plug-in, it may not be sufficient as a development environment unless you install software other than VSCode, so for beginners there is no such trouble if you use an IDE like Eclipse. is not it.

What is Eclipse Photon?

Eclipse Pleiades_-_Eclipse、IntelliJ_などの日本語化プラグイン.png

It seems that there is a version of photon with numbers in the Christian era, so for beginners at this point? ?? I wonder if it will be attached.

Eclipse_Photon___The_Eclipse_Foundation.png https://www.eclipse.org/photon/

At the top, the message photon is an old version ~ You can download the new one from the download page ~ was displayed.

So Photon is an older version of Ecipse. It turns out that Eclipse 2020 is the latest version of Eclipse.

Install Eclipse on Mac

Download eclipse

https://mergedoc.osdn.jp/からダウンロードできます。 Pleiades_-_Eclipse、IntelliJ_などの日本語化プラグイン.png

For the time being, beginners should download Pleiades All in One.

But what is Pleiades here? It became. Isn't it Eclipse?

Pleiades All in One is a package of Pleiades plug-ins for Windows and Mac, Pleiades plug-ins for Japanese localization, and useful plug-ins for each programming language. Also, in the case of Full Edition, there is no need to install the JDK or set environment variables, and various Eclipse settings are automatically made, so if you download and start it, you can use Eclipse in Japanese immediately. If you want to apply it to an already installed Eclipse or use it on Linux, download only the Pleiades plugin itself, not All in One.

It is written on the upper side like this.

It seems that a plug-in called Pleades is included in the set including Eclipse.

In the case of Full Edition, it is not necessary to set JDK installations and environment variables, and various Eclipseno settings are automatically performed.

In other words, there is no doubt that anyone who wants to study Java from now on You just need to install ** Pleiades All in One Full Edition **. Because it's convenient.

Setting environment variables is a high hurdle for beginners, or you can do it according to the manual, but I don't know what's going on, so I don't think there is a sense of accomplishment even if you do your best.


It seems that there are various versions or options, but since I am studying Java, I downloaded the Full Edition of Mac 64bit where Java is written.

Execute installation (security required permission from System Preferences !!)

Even if you follow the instructions, the installation may fail or you may not be able to open it. In that case, you need to allow it in "General" of "Security & Privacy" in "System Preferences".

Some people may be confused because such an error message is automatically displayed and the window for giving permission is not displayed. I think it's a good idea to display it from the beginning.


When you run the installed file 2020_09_10_17_47.png


The installation itself was okay, but when I tried to open it from the LaunchPad, it made a loud noise.


If you select "Put in Trash" here, it's no good. Let's endure.

It happened at the time of VitualBox, but it seems that there are times when it can not be installed or used without permission due to Mac security problems.

that? !! If you think about it, check the security and privacy of System Preferences.

2020_09_10_17_48.png 2020_09_10_17_51.png

I think there is some message at the bottom.

In this case, it was "Open as it is", so let's click it.

Then, if you start Eclipse again, you can open it.

For the time being, the installation was completed.

Initial setting

2020_09_10_17_59.png Suddenly selecting a directory as a workspace. What is it about to be delicious.

Well, after all, it's a working space or a working folder. It seems that there is no problem by default for the time being, but I feel that the desktop is easy to understand.

Select Desktop from Browse. 2020_09_10_18_04.png

This time I used java_test.

When you press the finish button at the bottom right スクリーンショット_2020_09_10_18_06.png

A folder has been created with the project name you entered.

I think it's okay with the image.

This is the end of the introduction for the time being.

I will study how to use it from now on.

Perhaps when installing as a beginner, you may be asked "Why can't I install it!" Or "I can't open it !?" without giving permission from the environment settings, so please refer to that area. I think

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