This is the article on the 24th day of "Athlete engineer Advent Calendar 2017". The 23rd day was @ yuzu_afro's "Making a Christmas tree that shines and makes sounds using Raspberry Pi".
This time ** I lost the source code of the app published on Google Play **
Even though the world is completely floating in the Christmas atmosphere We are confronting a miserable situation without assistance Domo is Nagao Tomorrow is ** Nativity ** This is ** Reverse engineer your own app ** (hereafter Rivaen) ** Easter of the app **
First of all, the necessary preparations no matter what you do ** Prepare the apk you want to reverse engineer ** I will go from
(If you already have the app you want to reverse engineer with .apk, you don't need this flow)
There is also a way to do it with a command, It is ** quick ** to use the ** apk extraction application ** on Google Play.
** For example, such an app **
When you install it on your smartphone and start it
The apps on your smartphone are lined up in a row Check the app you are looking for and tap ** apk Extraction ** After that, you can make ** apk my own ** by uploading it to Google Drive with the share button.
Let's start with the simple one
Roughly speaking ** You can see both by throwing the apk into Android Studio ** is
First ** Place the apk ** you got earlier somewhere on your ** computer ** in advance. And In Android Studio ** File → New → New Project ** Decide the project name appropriately and create a project with Next → Next ... With the created project open ** Build → Analyze APK **
A file selection dialog will appear Select the apk that you put on your computer in advance Then this screen will open (this time I am using the apk of the application sample-app)
Easy to see ** Single click on the xml file you want to see ** Then
The contents of xml are displayed in the lower part ** Image files ** are usually in the usual ** drawable ** You can see that with ** single click **
** [2] and [3] are over **
There is a lot more to do than [2] and [3]
Simply change ** apk ** to ** zip ** All you have to do is change the ** filename ** of the apk from ** XXX.apk ** to ** **
** Normally, it is expanded by simply double-clicking it ** ** Double-click this zip ** One after another ** There is no sign that something like a zip relative is born ** and expanded ... When faced with such a ** matryoshka zip situation **
The Unarchiver Install this on ** Mac ** Right-click ** zip ** and select this app to expand it. (Some of the similar apps have become ** Matryoshka **, so I'll post the one that worked.)
It is in the next expanded folder classes.dex ** Generate a jar file ** from the file How to do
dex2jar Download the one (** **) ** Extract to the same folder where the folder where you expanded the app is located ** (This zip is ** double-clicked ** but ** does not become matryoshka and is expanded normally **) This time Nagao created a folder called Rivaen for work ** I put the ** folder where the app was expanded ** and the ** dex2jar-2.0 folder ** inside the ** Rivaen folder ** This is
$ cd reverse engineer
(Go to the Rivaen directory)
Hit the following command
$ cd dex2jar-2.0/
$ chmod +x *
$ cd ..
$ dex2jar-2.0/ sample-app/classes.dex
↑ Did you do Nani? 1st line Moved to dex2jar-2.0 folder 2nd line: Give execute permission to the executable file in the dex2jar-2.0 folder 3rd line Return to Rivaen folder Line 4 Generate a jar file from classes.dex using a shell called is If you do so far, it will be in the Rivaen folder
classes-dex2jar.jar A ** jar file ** will be created!
here we go! Once you get here
JD-GUI ** Install the app on your Mac ** If you right-click the ** jar file you just created ** and open it with this app You should finally be able to see the ** Java source code **!
(July 17, 2018 still crashed on High Sierra) If you can see it safely, it ’s over. This crash seems to happen on ** Sierra ** & ** High Sierra ** To be honest, I thought it was ** the end of the match ** What is a class file decompiler app? ** I can't find anything other than JD-GUI ** (T_T) But this time ** Why is Nagao doing reverse engineering in the first place **? ** Because I lost the important source code of the application published on Google Play ** So
I don't know why it's over I have no choice but to do something about it
On the page I arrived at looking for a solution ** If you build the JD-GUI on github yourself, it will be cool! ** ** It was
let's do it
You can do it in any directory
In a place that is easy to understand for the time being
$ cd reverse engineer
(Move to Rivaen directory)
** Command to build JD-GUI by yourself **
$ git clone
$ cd jd-gui
$ ./gradlew installOsxDist
↑ Did you do Nani?
1st line: Clone the JD-GUI source code from github
2nd line Moved into the cloned jd-gui
3rd line: Build the app with gradle
If you do this
** Reverse engine → jd-gui → → build → install → jd-gui-osx **
** ** is ready ...!
It took less than a minute to clone and build
With this, when you finally open the jar file you created earlier by right-clicking with this one
**I was able to see! ** ** (By the way, this is the source code written in Kotlin)
[1] is over ** Thank you for your support! !! ** **
Keep the source code of the app in a safe place so as not to lose it
** Tomorrow is finally Christmas is the last one to decorate @Nkzn! ** **
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