What I was addicted to when I built my own neural network using the weights and biases I got with scikit-learn's MLP Classifier.

What I was addicted to

The predictions made by the multi-layer perceptron (MLP Classifer) implemented in scikit-learn did not match the predictions of the self-made neural network using the weights and bias matrices that had been learned in advance.

Conclusion first

I didn't standardize the input data ...

How I got hooked

Bonus: Build a neural network with weights and biases acquired by MLP Classifier

import numpy as np
import os
import sys
 Import pandas as pd # library for handling dataFrame
from math import exp, expm1

 input = [[array of input data]]
input = np.array(input)

 df = pd.read_csv ("Data used for standardization of input data (data when trained)")
 df_x = pd.get_dummies (column where you want to generate dummy variables)

# Standardization! (I forgot here)
sc = StandardScaler()
input = sc.transform(input)

 bias0 = pd.read_csv ("bias csv output from MLP Classiefer", header = None)
bias0 = bias0.iloc[1:,1:].as_matrix()

 weight0 = pd.read_csv ("weight csv output from MLP Classiefer", header = None)
weight0 = weight0.iloc[1:,1:].as_matrix()

# Weight / Input + Bias
layer0 = np.dot(weight0.T, dummy.T) + bias0

# Activation of the hidden layer. This time it was activated by the ramp function.
layer0 = np.clip(layer0, 0, np.finfo(layer0.dtype).max, out=layer0)

Only in the hidden layer, let the linear combination of input and weight flow through the activation function. .. .. In the final output layer, activated by a sigmoid function

 output_layer = np.dot (weight of last hidden layer, data entering last hidden layer) + bias of last hidden layer

# Activated by sigmoid function
1 / (1 + exp(-output_layer[0, 0]))

I think that it is [0, 0] here because it deals with binary problems.

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